Jehovah's Witness warning: "Watch out for the movie Avatar".

by Cindi_67 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chickpea

    sumbitch!! those dr0nes are as dumb as a bag of rocks!:stupidme:
    and yes i know, i must now apologize to bags of rocks
    for the unfair comparison

    i think because there is the delayed promise of the BIG A
    hanging around their necks like the albatross it is, these
    sadly deluded people have to have something, ANYTHING,
    that nudges them in the ribs to keep from falling into a
    petrified state of somnolence.... hence the insane, predictable
    overreaction to all things worldly TM


  • OnTheWayOut

    I hope JW's do avoid things like AVATAR and keep their kids from things like it. It will make JW's hate being JW's and it will make their kids leave the organization when they grow up.

  • JimmyPage

    My two cents on "Avatar":

    The 3D was cool.

    The CGI was good, but it still left me feeling like I had just watched a cartoon.

    I liked the religious ideas presented in the movie, being one with nature and all that.

    I also agreed with the politics of the movie, but I felt like I had been beat over the head with them too much and that left a bad taste in my mouth.

    All in all, it was a decent movie, but I could take it or leave it. When you think for yourself and have your own opinions you don't get hung up on every little thing that comes down the pike.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I went 2 weeks ago to watch the regulart version of Avatar. AWESOME

    I went back last night to see the 3D version. I kept feeling like if I put my hand out I would touch something

    What JWs fail to realize is that the English language, like all others, is constantly changing. Words take on new meanings which often have an opposite meaning or little to do with the original.

    JWs have been so indocrinated and so many changes are continually made to what is "good" and what is "bad" that they spend a lot of time trying to avoid things before they are told to. If the WTS says it is OK then it is OK. If the WTS says it is bad then they can pat themselves on the back for having a well trained "conscience" that protects them without even being told not to do something.

  • blondie

    I can remember the "cautions" about Star Wars but many jws went.

  • myownlife

    Blondie, I remember those warnings also! What's so funny is that my mom took all of us to see it after the book study and 'accidently' took her bible in with her.....guess she felt she needed it to fend off Darth Vadar! LOL!

  • daniel-p

    Remember that the supposed problems with the movie are irrelevant to the point of all this: to make average JWs make a choice between obeying the Watchtower and doing normal things. It's a method of behavior control, and every cult and fundamentalist sect uses the same tactic: force adherents to make small decisions contrary to their own reasoning, because getting them to make bigger decisions later will be easier.

    How else do you think those FLDS wives and children leave their husbands and fathers who have fallen out of favor with "the prophet" (Warren Jeffs)? By a lifetime of being forced to decide between following their own intincts and thinking ability and obeying authority.

  • AnnOMaly

    He replied back: The point of this email is that, if a demon (which is what an Avatar is) is the good guy and we continue to watch this type of enterntainment, in time we will not see it that bad. In fact, we could even think that spiritism is not that bad. Don't you think the Avatar looks like a demon?Your children are in a very critical age and Bible guidance will provide them with what they need to overcome this difficult time in their lives? [... blah blah]

    What a moron! He reminds me of some older (overly superstitious/paranoid) JWs I know who are totally out-of-touch with reality.

  • Mary

    Oh dear god in heaven. If your brother in law is so freaking worried about demunz, ask him if he's ever researched Pyramidology. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, pyramidology is:

    Main Entry: pyr·a·mid·ol·o·gy

    the study of or theory about mathematical or occult significance in measurements of the Great Pyramid of Egypt

    Then tell him to look up what Brother Russell taught and believed about pyramidology:

    I would then stress "you just can't be too careful about where a demon might be lurking!"

  • garyneal


    Post 322

    Wow, all of that rambling reminds me of how that old fundamentalist preacher use to preach at the independant fundamental baptist church I use to attend. Tell him if he ever leaves the witnesses and wishes to hold on to those idiotic ideas of his, he can become an independant fundamental baptist preacher.

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