I notice the JW's don't really donate to charities. When I donated to the earthquake in Haiti, my husband didn't really say anything about it. Silence usually means he doesn't agree with something because of his religious beliefs. Can anyone tell me if JW's would have anything against donating to relief funds, or would it be a problem with Haiti in particular?
Giving to Charities
by Kristina1972 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
agent zero
not a problem with haiti in particular, also not technically a problem at all, just that many relief efforts and organizations have ties to other churches or similar things. if it has the slightest connection to anything at all religious, it is "wrong" to "support" it.
also, if a witness wants to send monetary aid to a disaster area, doing so through the watchtower society is the only way it reflects well on him, as contributing to any other outfit would be "relying on worldly organizations, while jehovah already has one in place that will take care of the brothers"
i think thats how its seen
My friend was talking to me about her monetary affiars and started listing what she spent money on recently. One of them was "give money for Haiti" which I assumed had to be in connection with some donation box or something that was set up at the KH, so that the WT receives the money and does whatever they do with it ... which is what .. print up extra copies of their publications to hand out to all the starving bleeding people with major injuries?
You must donate everything to Watchtower funds,
they will then decide where the money goes.
They are Jehovah's earthly representatives and always know best!
The witlesses are frowned on for donating to charities. Instead, they are to donate to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.
I rarely donate to charity (and I rarely donated to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund), but that is my personal preference. As I see it, people should be free to donate as much or as little to the charity or charities of their own choosing. And I see the Red Cross as one of the most reputable charities around--which the witlesses refer to as "the blood bank" and "vampires".
Welcome Kristina1972 !
I guess you know this but if not you, might find it interesting.
James 2:14-18 (New International Version)
Faith and Deeds
14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15 Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.18 But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.Blessings,
Start giving on a local level. Get to know who is helping out so you feel good about your efforts. Most legitimate charties are connected to larger regional and international groups and do a pretty good job of getting supplies to those in need. There are a couple of older gentlemen in our town who go around to the local Markets each morning and pickup the food set out by the stores and take it to the Food Bank and Senior Center. Our local Food Bank sends its surpluses to other local Food Banks and vis versa and then on to international aid groups.
'Do a little good each day'
I had an arguement with my parents over this recently.
Most JWs view all "worldly" organisations, even charities, with distrust. They think that many of the people running them are dishonest and that it isn't certain that their donated money is getting to the place they donated it to (the irony). They would rather give their money to the World Wide Works box at the Kingdom Hall, because they believe they can trust the Org completely and know where the money is going. -
look i dont agree with the jws im deffo a very ex jw, but my mother who was brought up a very strong jw does give regularly to the red cross and animal charities, she gives to the red cross cos she believes" they seem to get to on the scene first and can get into most places and help everyone" BUT if theres a separate box at the khall, like there has been for haiti then they would give to that rather than the worldly charities, but the rank and file (well the ones in my family( do believe that that does go to helping all haitians and not jsut the jws ones) the trust is unbelieveabley strong, i do believe they do give practical aid to places but whether they give to those other than themselves isanother question??? B
There's a separate box for Haiti? Not so with Katrina. "Just make your checks out to the Worldwide Slush Fund."
breathing, my JW mother is similar. She supports Amnesty International (because they've advocated for the JWs overseas) and local animal shelters. She likes to think her donations at her KH are for the building's upkeep.