Mention of U.N. as the "beast" is diminishing dramatically in WT

by Gayle 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Farkel

    Note that the first huge drop was in the decade of the 1990's. That's when the WTS was "riding" the Wild Beast as a full-fledged NGO Member. One dasn't criticize the "Beast" when one is fornicating with it!

    The next gigantic drop started precisely in 2000 when the WTS was first "exposed" for their hypocrisy of "riding" the Wild Beast and got DFd by the Beast when the Beast found out they had a history of condemning it as a tool of Satan. One dasn't keep reminding its members of an Organization like the UN lest the members get curious and do a little research and find the truth of the relationship the WTS has had with it.

    I dare say that a search of the WT literature of the 1990s in the months of October and November would only find kindly articles about the Beast. That is when the WTS had to renew its annual Beast-riding ticket with the UN and prove to the UN it supported the goals of the UN.

    A bigger bunch of religious assholes would be harder to find than the leaders of the WTS.


  • Quillsky

    Even as a full card-carrying Witness I could never understand what the big deal with the United Nations was, or how one could possibly explain the giant leap of faith it took to believe that John's vision of a wild beast was definitely this 20th century organization.

    And then to fit the League of Nations into the picture - that was also represented in Revelation by something, wasn't it? What a brain scramble.

  • moshe

    That old Babylon book was all about the beast and the harlot- scary stuff back in the early 70's for JW's. It must be hard for the WT now, not having the UN boogey man to scare the publishers with.

  • pixiesticks

    And most of the newer references to the United Nations have absolutely nothing to do with bible prophasy either! They are mostly statistic quotes:

    "In 2007, a United Nations source reported that 33 countries lack sufficient food to feed their people." (Watchtower 1st Oct. 2008)

    "Anna Tibaijuka, executive director for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, expresses what is a growing consensus among researchers. She says: “If we continue as usual, a disastrous future beckons." (Watchtower 1st Aug. 2008)

    "According to a United Nations source, about five million children die from the effects of hunger each year. How unjust!" (Watchtower 15th Aug. 2007)

    Compares those references with the ones from the 1950's:

    "Since they have taken up this cry, the world politicians and statesmen backed up by the religious clergy have set up a symbol of world domination. Before World War II it had the form of the League of Nations, but now it has the form of the United Nations." (Watchtower 15th Dec. 1950)

    "Under the banner of the United Nations the powers of this old world are engaged in a strenuous propaganda and military struggle in an effort to strengthen its entrenched position." (Watchtower 1st Oct. 1950)

    "And how significant that this great Theocratic convention of new world supporters should convene near the very capital of the doomed old world’s United Nations!" (Watchtower 1st Oct. 1950)

  • Married to the Mob
    Married to the Mob

    Part of the being an NGO is that even before you become linked with the UN, you have to promote the UN and its works.

    I am not sure how quoting UN and WHO (world health organisation which is a part of the un) statistics is promoting the UN, but it does seem funny that the WTS is quoting stats from a group that they have deemed "a front for satan!"

  • blondie

    BTW the WTS refers to the UN as the SCARLET-COLORED wild beast which is not the same as the other wild beast.

  • pixiesticks

    Part of the being an NGO is that even before you become linked with the UN, you have to promote the UN and its works.

    I am not sure how quoting UN and WHO (world health organisation which is a part of the un) statistics is promoting the UN, but it does seem funny that the WTS is quoting stats from a group that they have deemed "a front for satan!"

    In a few quotes they do appear to be praising the UN and highlighting some of the positive things that they do. They certainly quote stats from them a heck of a lot!

    The latest negative thing I can find written about the UN is in Watchtower 1st June 2005:

    "When the United Nations was formed, one of the stated purposes was “to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.” After nearly 60 years, has that noble objective been reached? Far from it! . . . When the United Nations was formed, it had 51 member nations. Today, there are 191."

    Although they are quick to add:
    "There is no doubt that many of the efforts for peace have been sincere and well-meant. In spite of this, world unity seems unattainable."

    The latest mention regarding prophacy with the UN refered to as the "beast" is in the Watchtower 15th Nov 2001:
    "Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, we are no part of the world, and we are not infected by such spiritually deadly plagues as its immorality, materialism, false religion, and worship of “the wild beast” and its “image,” the United Nations."

    From the year 1998 to 2008 (as up-to-date as my CD is), there has only been 3 mentions refering to the UN as the "Beast".

  • hamsterbait

    The WT changed their interpretation of the "Disgusting Thing" in the Gospels, making it something disgusting to Christendom, because it stands in a place "Holy" to them (though what this means was not spelt out in the study)

    This happened around 1997.

    As a result there is no longer ANY credible argument that the UN is the "Disgusting Thing"

    They claim that the WTBTS "correctly" identified the "Wild Beast" in 1920 on WRONG understanding. They then dreampt up the next interpretation because they knew the original arguments had no credibility.

    There is now no foundation for teaching the UN is the "Disgusting Thing" of Daniel, the Gospels or Revelation.

    I think that the teaching will be mentioned less and less, until it is forgotten.


  • hamsterbait

    "After nearly 100 years of God's Established Kingdumb through its King Jesus Christ, has the promise of paradise and elimination of all mankind's woes been achieved? FAR FROM IT!!"


  • blondie

    The UN is identified several ways

    "scarlet-colored wild beast"

    "image of the wild beast"

    "eighth king"

    It is good to search using the scriptures that refer to these terms.

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