I suppose it's self-esteem reinforcement for folk on the society. Also, JWs and their "Armageddeon at any minute now" mentality confers virtue on fiscal irresponsibility.
How come people with the least means of supporting themselves ''Pioneer'' ?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Pioneeering probably had the same effect for some as Cloistered living, that sense that they were protecting themselves and others from their own inner demons. They could only be good if they did the ABCs everyday.
The religion encourages this irresponsible attitude. I likened it to jumping from a plane without a parachute. I refused to take this insane 'leap of faith' because I knew I had to support myself. As a result, I had to hear stupid comments from even stupider people over this. So, I am materialistic or have no faith? Really?
In my opinion, the only people who had ANY business pioneering were: students living at home on vacation, retirees who are well-fixed financially, or somebody who was able to make a good living working part time at a profession. At best and in most instances, pioneering was something that some could do only part of the time. The only ones who could do it full time were the retirees and maybe the professional who could get good wages part time. Nobody there has any business WHATSOEVER to believe they should live on the edge and look for HANDOUTS from responsible working people! You want to live on the edge? Then suffer. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but don't tell me about it.
Anybody there who cannot pay their bills and who is suffering in this recession/depression had better go to the religion and ask for THEIR help. After all, the geniuses in the religion are the ones who told people to take the insane leap of pursuing poverty. I certainly did not!
If you're miserable, out of a job, can't fulfill your ambitions then get out and preach.
Pioneering fills the day - it's like a drug to some. Then they come home and find the problems they thought they left behind are still there and so are the bills.
This is disgusting. These witlesses can't or won't even support themselves. Yet, they waste time and resources supporting a value destroying religion. All the while, they are living off my tax dollars, instead of looking for a job that pays real money.
nancy drew
sometimes I wonder if people think that if they pioneer then they might get a gift from god sort of like "jehovah now you owe me"
I think this is a political, not religious, discussion. If you live in a country where not working pays the same as working, then it makes sense to not work.
Great ?.
I noticed the same thing about the poorer people deciding to pioneer. It's like a badge of honor.
Quillsky: it makes sense on an immoral and irresponsible level only. Social security was not invented so that people can do whatever they please and still get payed like a working man. That is just abusing the system, and noone who claims to have "higher standards of morals" should even contemplate it.
Even the Bible says it: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat" ( 2Thess 3:10 ) If they consider pioneering work, then fine by me, let their employer pay them. The state never asked them to do this work, so don't expect payment from him.
the miserable and downtrotten need a reward system. like the carrot at the end of the stick that you still can't catch.
these people are led to beleieve that they will be rewarded in 100fold for this lifestyle.
they will work the system and exhaust themselves (not to a wage earning job) but to piosneering and doing the never enough lifestyle