This is probably petty, but .....Did you ever have a problem with losing your KM?

by miseryloveselders 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    "Misery, do you have an extra Kingdom Ministry?" "Misery, you didnt give me my Kindom Ministry for April, I know its only February, but you wouldnt happen to have it, would you?" "I could have sworn I gave you your KM." "No you didnt, or maybe i misplaced it. If I find it, I'll give this one back to you. Thanks!"

    Do people lose KMs on purpose? It's as much of a broken record, as hearing the Slave pat themselves on their back.

  • Quillsky

    Sorry, what's your question?

  • cantleave

    Yeah - I know exactly what you measn. I used to give my group's out as soon as I got them. Always had someone who lost theirs.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    In my experience the problem is 50-50 for the elder and the dub. Half the time I've lost mine and half the time he's forgotten to give it to me.

  • geevee

    ask for another one, they usually have spares.... or at least they did "IN THE DAY"...

  • slimboyfat

    I haven't been on the ministry for years, yet they still give me KMs. I think they're going to cut us off at some point.

    Since they stopped printing the monthly statistics in full in the KMs, I am not that interested in getting a copy anyway.

    If the articles are not about how to sit quietly at the convention, they are about how to donate more money, or the annual 'sign your life away for the crazy blood doctrine' item, or stupid fake questions from readers like 'should I read the Bible alone with a friend or is that an apostate sin?', or why the new policy is to stop a Bible study after six months of making no progress rather than two years, no scrap that make it two years instead of six months, no scrap that again, it's back to six months... until they change their minds again.

    A thin sheet of toilet-type paper containing anything more vacuous than a KM it is hard to envisage.

  • JWoods

    I could never understand what was so top secret about these anyway. Of course, in the old days they did put in a few things like "sex advice proclamations" that were a little to far afield for the magazines - but I only remember one or two things like that.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Now they have the whole midweek meeting schedule but the articles have been cut way back to one a page.

    I was always on top of handing them out. I even wrote names on each copy and kept them in my enormous "elder bag" that I foolishly toted to each meeting! Most of my groups were pretty good about hanging on to them. I don't think I've ever misplaced mine.

    My current Service Group Overseer (or whatever the designation is now) NEVER gives me (or anyone else) theirs. I have to follow-up with him. He's a nice, older gentleman who is very forgetful.

  • jdhf

    i liked the statistics....but the info in them was always the same.. my girls never really read them, thought they were boring!

  • inbetween

    haha, yes, like Mad sweeney said, its a 50/50 issue.

    half the time I forgot to had it out, half the time the pub misplaced it...

    well lately it doenst matter, just take the one from last month, most of it is the same boring FS-advice anyway...

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