JW's view of apostates who die while "out"

by highdose 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    I wittnessed in my time several woe filled JW's apon hearing that one of their former members had died while out or the "turth". The typical reaction was " we can only pray to Jehovah that their heart condition was right at the end"

    WTF! Does that mean????

    The other typical responce is: "The wages sin pays is death! They shall not get a resserection now because of their disobediance, we must be carefull that that never happens to us!"

    Of course we know our view of dubs that are still in, that they are the ones who are currently "dead" and we would love it if they came to life and started to live the life they have.

  • agonus

    I remember my mom telling me once about a sister who lost her daughter in a car accident (i think) and who was doubly distraught because she "didn't know if she'd be resurrected" since she happened to be disfellowshipped at the time she died.


  • bubba flavel
    bubba flavel

    They DF'ed my grandfather because he was a paronoid schizophrenic and would cast out demons in the name of Jehovah. After he died he was posthumously reinstated.

    As an aside, what if hypothetically, your witness spouce died and you remarried another witness....wouldn't that create a bit uncomfortability after the ressurection if you all made it through? What happens then? do you remain married to them both or do you flip a coin and the loser gets a basket ball named wilson?

  • agonus

    "he was a paronoid schizophrenic and would cast out demons in the name of Jehovah."

    No doubt. Any rational person knows you cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ.

    As for your question, in the resurrection "neither do they marry nor are they given in marriage. They are as angels in the heavens."


    The ones who die "In"..

    Are just sooooooo much better off..


    They`re dead Jehovah`s Witness`s!!..

    Who would`nt want to be a Dead Jehovah`s Witness?!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Aeiouy

    @ Bubba Flavel

    w87 6/1 p.30-32

    Questions From Readers
    ? Is it wise for a Christian whose mate has died to remain single in the hope of being reunited in the future?

    ...Does the Bible, though, indicate whether resurrected ones will be able to marry or to resume a previous marriage that was ended by a death? One account seems to bear on this question. It involved Sadducees who, while not even believing in the resurrection, came to Jesus trying to entrap him. They presented this problem involving brother-in-law marriage: “There were seven brothers; and the first took a wife and died childless. So the second, and the third took her. Likewise even the seven: they did not leave children behind, but died off. Lastly, the woman also died. Consequently, in the resurrection, of which one of them does she become the wife?”—Luke 20:27-33; Matthew 22:23-28.

    ...Human emotions today might make this a difficult conclusion to accept. But it is to be noted that nowhere does the Bible say that God’s resurrecting the faithful means restoring their marital status. Hence, no one believes that if Aquila and Priscilla have gained life in heaven, they have resumed their marriage. (Acts 18:2) And Joseph and Mary will evidently live in different realms—he on earth and she in heaven. (John 19:26; Acts 1:13, 14) Since none of us have lived in heaven, we cannot say what feelings Aquila, Priscilla, and Mary might have there, yet we can be sure of their finding full contentment in their heavenly service.

    lol I was a witness for 23 years and I had no idea they believe Mary is going to heaven but Joseph isn't. You can't make this s**t up.


    Edit: Hence, no one believes that if Aquila and Priscilla have gained life in heaven, they have resumed their marriage.

    I love their dogmatic language there. So apparently, if you believe that, you're either a nobody or an idiot....

  • bubba flavel
    bubba flavel

    thanks for that! I slept or day dreamed through most meetings

  • brizzzy

    ...Human emotions today might make this a difficult conclusion to accept. But it is to be noted that nowhere does the Bible say that God’s resurrecting the faithful means restoring their marital status. Hence, no one believes that if Aquila and Priscilla have gained life in heaven, they have resumed their marriage. (Acts 18:2) And Joseph and Mary will evidently live in different realms—he on earth and she in heaven. (John 19:26; Acts 1:13, 14) Since none of us have lived in heaven, we cannot say what feelings Aquila, Priscilla, and Mary might have there, yet we can be sure of their finding full contentment in their heavenly service.

    I'm an atheist, so I don't believe in any of the Biblical stuff anyway, but did anybody notice that the three "supporting" scriptures cited here have absolutely nothing to do with the preceding sentences that they're supposed to support?

    Acts 18:2 - "And he found a certain Jew named Aq´ui·la, a native of Pon´tus who had recently come from Italy, and Pris·cil´la his wife, because of the fact that Claudius had ordered all the Jews to depart from Rome. So he went to them." Er, this says nothing about Aquila and Priscilla in heaven.

    John 19:26 - "Therefore Jesus, seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing by, said to his mother: 'Woman, see! Your son!'" Says absolutely nothing about Joseph/Mary and their respective hopes for earthly/heavenly life.

    Acts 1:13, 14 - " So, when they had entered, they went up into the upper chamber, where they were staying, Peter as well as John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bar·thol´o·mew and Matthew, James [the son] of Al·phae´us and Simon the zealous one, and Judas [the son] of James. With one accord all these were persisting in prayer, together with some women and Mary the mother of Jesus and with his brothers." Yeah, again, nothing relevant to a heavenly/earthly hope here. Do they just pick scriptures at random, with the names of Biblical characters they're referring to, and hope nobody will notice that the scripture has nothing to do with anything?

  • wobble

    Outlaw asked "who wants to be a dead JW?"

    Well, nobody in their right mind, but that is the very best kind of JW



  • WTWizard

    What I was taught:

    If you die while apostate, you are gone forever. If you are disfellowshipped and seeking reinstatement, it is up to Jehovah (not a good place to trust my life).

    If you die and are resurrected, not only is whatever marriage you were in dissolved, but your right to ever remarry is cancelled. They cite the scripture that the resurrected shall be as the angels (which should have been proof that people go to heaven after they die, not that they would not be allowed to marry). Nowhere in the Bible does it explicitly say that resurrected people would both be resurrected as fleshly bodies and that they would not be permitted to marry.

    Hey, after "a generation", I think the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is making this sxxx up both to appease witlesses seeking answers and to scare them into remaining faithful as witlesses.

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