17 Kinds of Atheism

by leavingwt 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt
    Is there a category for having ones religiousness surgically removed?
    Darth Fader

    I think that would make you apatheistic.

  • leavingwt
    I don't believe in atheists.

    Always a popular position!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    If I'm at a noisy party without any time for explanations and someone asks me to pigeon-hole myself, and I'm wanting to oblige, the simplest thing for me to say is: Agnostic.

    If there's time and quiet, I would actually go on to describe myself as some form of Hyphenated-Atheist, but Atheist is still such a negatively charged word, I keep the Big A in the closet during casual introductions.


  • frankiespeakin

    The God issue is a dead one for me, because if there was a creator of this vast universe which is quite likely just one on an infinite number of universes and the infinities of universes may fit inside another (multi)universe of which there is an infinite amount of those and the process may go on for infinitum like the layers of an onion who knows. It is all unprovable but if there is a first cause out there somewhere that is behind all this universe making it would be impossible to state or understand "its" purpose or motive, and to speculate that such a first cause would need our worship or even care that we exist or care what we think or if we believe in him if an anthropomorphic fiction, that is very childish in nature.

    Also to give this first cause a mind like man with hormonal reactions to disbelief such as anger or hurt feeling over slights is preposterous. The world(universe) is too big for such "small minded man like deities" for me to even consider the idea as plausible.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    ... especially any needy Gods that need you to worship and obey them. Those type of Gods are invented money makers and follower gatherers for those that hawk them.

    As a Christian, I have to agree with you about needy Gods. I don't believe in any needy God either.

  • VoidEater

    Ah, an area where I am explicitly "narrow"...and still "friendly"!

  • Twitch

    I don't care what you believe, just don't try to shove your beliefs down my throat.


  • ziddina

    What, only 17???

    Marking for future reading - must go buy dog food before dog chews leg off...

  • hamilcarr

    Implicit religious atheist

  • Michelle365

    I don't care what you believe, just don't try to shove your beliefs down my throat.

    Same here.

    I usually just stick with agnostic. I like the general definition "doesn’t believe in gods, but doesn’t claim to know there are no gods." As it gets more defined it's hard for me to find my place.

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