Onereason for a gentleman fader to stay reasonably associated...

by whataburger 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Interesting - years ago I remember people saying there was a shortage of brothers in our area. But lately, I've heard that the brothers were having a hard time finding an eligible sister. Maybe it was because the sisters were not spiritual enough although I know of several who left the organization.

  • whataburger

    I am not interested in the situation - just making an observation. I rarely attend meetings anymore - just the memorial, and that is just to give my older family members some peace of mind. And, I do like to say hello to old friends.

    But I think it is very unfair to women. Men in the congregation can consider much younger women, but not always the other way around.

    As far as they comments about the GB dictating what goes on in the bedroom, those are obstacles that can be overcome - but this really isn't the forum to discuss that.


  • thetrueone

    Men in the congregation can consider much younger women, but not always the other way around.

    Exactly, there seems to be no lack of single woman in Kingdom Halls.

    My father remarried a woman last year that is 20 years his junior.

    This sister was asking him out and over to her house just weeks after my mother passed away.

    A situation that surprised him and pissed off the rest of the family, including me.

    She's been married a few times before and does not carry with herself a good character profile,

    even though she claims to be of the anointed which she waves in front of herself as a white sheet

    of righteousness, in reality her history shows otherwise.

    Oh well thats love and relationships down at the kingdom hall.

  • MissingLink

    "Hey sister Lolita, your parents said I could take you out to discuss the possibility of being yoked together in the near future. I realize you're still in high-school, but with this system coming to an end, wouldn't you be better off spending your remaining time in the life saving work? I'm in a good financial position to make this possible. Sure, I'm older than your dad, but in just a few short months when the new system is here, I'll be restored to youth and have a perfect body just like you have now. It's a win-win for everyone involved."

  • Heaven


  • leec

    Younger or not-so-younger ... for whatever reason I don't really understand, I have found myself noticing far more often than not that JW women are extremely attractive, like, way more than some random sample of females in general. Many of them look like they could easily be models.

    ... Maybe this is one of Satan's temptations? ;)

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Younger or not-so-younger ... for whatever reason I don't really understand, I have found myself noticing far more often than not that JW women are extremely attractive, like, way more than some random sample of females in general. Many of them look like they could easily be models.

    Now that you mention it.....JW women as a group did seem quite attractive compared to a random group of non-JW women. Gorgeous or not, if she had that fake, "the oganization is so wonderful" voice, it would drive me nuts. At least don't speak during sex. you know "the voice" I'm talking about?

    Think About It

  • miseryloveselders

    Leec, and Think About It, you serious? Me personally, I find non-JW women more attractive. I work in an office enviroment, one of my bosses is a red head know-it-all woman. For her age, (she's not 30 just yet) she's gotten farther than many will in their entire life. She's fairly attractive, but not what you call modelesque. Her intelligence, drives me nuts though. I'd love to make a play for her, (and I think a couple of times she's given me the go-ahead) but that pesky 1 Cor 7:39 messes up everything. She's a Christian too, but not a JW, so thats my loss. I'm in an office building full of office women (twenty something floors full of em!!), and as a single early 30ish male, I love it, yet I hate it cuz none of them are JWs. So my life consists of "you can look, but you better not touch" Between 1 Cor 7:39, and Human Resources being single can suck some days. On the other hand..........

    One thing I think we can all agree on is, women at Assemblies, and Conventions look good. I love the high heels, the hair, fragrences, up to date dresses, etc.. Did I mention the heels? Only thing about the heels that bothers me is one day somebody is gonna break their neck on the steps. What kills me though, at least in my experience, the hottest ones are usually the ones already taken, or on their way out. I'm an Elder so I can't exactly hit on the "on their way out" crowd. Looking beyond physical attraction, the ones who I find attractive based on personality and outlook on life, are the ones, "on their way out." They're the ones who work, and also attend class, and i don't mean Gilead. They're the ones who will miss a Meeting or two because they had to work late. They're the ones who don't wear floral dresses with shoulder pads. They can have a conversation with me that doesnt feel like an interview for a spiritual job. Every sister thats ever made a play at me comes off like a job interview. "Bro.Misery, we're all going to get together and watch the Purple Triangle DVD together, you wanna come?"

    I don't knock the dudes that marry way younger than themselves, but jeez, how do you keep up? You're like 45, and she's twenty. Eventually you'll be 60, and she'll be 45. With that kind of discrepancy, there's going to be some issues at some point. She'll be wiping your butt someday. You'll go from smashing this young hottie, to her wiping your butt because your unable to reach down their any longer. The other thing that's messed up is, if you're planning on fading, it would be cruel to throw your hat in the ring for some young sister, only to completely screw her over by not sticking with this religion. Especially if she is sincerely planning on sticking with it. Why would you do that somebody?

  • Scully

    What's the big deal? Isn't that how they did things in Bible times?

    And geez, don't a lot of famous men marry MUCH younger women? (Tony Curtis, James Doohan, Billy Joel, Harrison Ford come to mind immediately.)


  • SixofNine
    for whatever reason I don't really understand, I have found myself noticing far more often than not that JW women are extremely attractive, like, way more than some random sample of females in general.

    You'll find the reason inside. This is your skewed perception, not reality.

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