CO spins the continuous “faithful and discreet slave” doctrine - explaining how “ONE GENERATION OF SLAVE FED ANOTHER” for 1900 years!

by LUKEWARM 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pistoff
    What do televangelists have to do with it? An evangelist is an evangelist, the anti-christian chatter is notable. Get real, get Jesus. There is no salvation in any other name. He is The Way and The Truth and The Life.

    This is a tough sell here. Jesus lived and died, this we know for sure, all else is taken theologically and with no evidence. You believe in his saving power, fine.

    I do not; I love his teaching but there is nothing to tell me that he will resurrect me, or save me, it is all thrown back onto him by his followers after his death. But I don't care about that; his ideas are enough for me. The things scholars are confident he said are revolutionary, and reflect a real break from religious thought at the time.

    But to read the gospels without studying historical method is to miss much about the communities after his death, and how they shaped our modern view of Jesus. To really understand the events, it is critical to understand how the politics and religion of the day influenced the debate,what people hoped for from Jesus, and the stories about Jesus.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    lukewarm, It sounds like your CO has blended fantasy and reality, historicity and meaninglessness. It looks like the basis for Dan Brown's next big novel. Maybe it should be called The Generation that Would Not Die.

  • cameo-d

    yourmama: " How can a person who believed Jesus to be God be a member of the faithful slave? "

    Get ready for a new revelation. Jesus is getting demoted.

    Did WT ever claim Jesus was an exclusive deity?

    Haven't they hinted there are many sons of god?

    Don't they have a Christ class?

  • FuzzyPaul

    It should matter that many a minimizing of Jesus has been propagated.

    Jesus is called god by the most eloquent of the NT writers.

    Hebrews 1: 5 - 9

    The Son Superior to Angels

    For to which of the angels did He ever say, You are My Son; today I have become Your Father, or again, I will be His Father, and He will be My Son ? When He again brings His firstborn into the world, He says, And all God's angels must worship Him. And about the angels He says:

    He makes His angels winds,

    and His servants a fiery flame;but about the Son:

    Your throne, O God

    and the scepter of Your kingdom is a scepter of justice.

    You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;

    this is why God, Your God, has anointed You,

    rather than Your companions, with the oil of joy.

    Hebrews 3: 7 - 11

    the Holy Spirit says

    Today, if you hear His voice,

    do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion,

    on the day of testing in the desert,

    where your fathers tested Me, tried [ Me ],

    and saw My works for 40 years.

    Therefore I was provoked with this generation

    and said, "They always go astray in their hearts,

    and they have not known My ways."

    So I swore in My anger,"They will not enter My rest.

    Then Hebrews states:

    "of the Messiah ... it is said" , "that they would not enter His rest" ,

    Then Hebrews ch4 reads :

    So I swore in My anger,

    they will not enter My rest.

    And yet His works have been finished since the foundation of the world, 4 for somewhere He has spoken about the seventh day in this way:

    And on the seventh day .

    God rested from all His works

    The Holy spirit said, then the Messiah said, then of God we read that he said the same thing about a "rest". Father < Son < Holy Spirit. Tri-une God. Three persons but they comprise one God.

    In Acts 2 Peter makes his case for Jesus quoting a scripture about Yahweh and applying it to Jesus. Don't get all foofy about it just look at what it says there. Use another translation than the NWT. Holman Christian Standard Bible is my preferred but New Living Translation is good, The Amplified is good too. See them all at

    Jesus is called god "Mighty God" (Is. 9) (John1) ..., is worshipped (Mt 28), And in Hebrews the Messiah is god and in many other places. Just read the words. The Holman CSB has topical headings which greatly help understand the change of thought in the argument and what are OT quotes and so-on.

    So, a great spirit becomes bound up in an embryo and grows into a man the Messiah. The same great spirit that created the universe and sustains it by his word. (Heb. 1: 2,3) God incarnated part of himself that created the universe and that miracle is deemed not possible for God to become a man and still be God to be worshipped as Hebrews reads?

    Well, logically it is complex that God is a mediator with God for us by the words of the Holy Spirit attributed to God but so what? Just read what it says.

    Fuzzy Paul

    : , is forever and ever,

    Thanks for your comments guys!

    Must admit there were many blank faces as I glanced at others listening to this, and quite a few gathered after the meeting around the board on the platform where the CO had his massive poster hung with timeline and pictures of the various characters.

    CO's main arguments were:

    (1) There were always people searching for the pattern of the truth
    (2) We cannot be dogmatic as to who was and who was not anointed
    (3) The "truth" has become really clear now

    Speaking to him afterwards about where I could find some of this info to do further research, he mentioned it was in various Watchtowers and the Proclaimers book.

    This totally unsubstantiated nonsense - requiring mental gymnastics to make any sense out of - certainly drove another nail in the JW coffin for me...

  • VM44

    I noticed that the CO left the name of William Miller off the list......I wonder why?

  • VM44

    Who is this CO?

    How old is he?

    Could you give me his name? Private Message me if you wish.

  • VM44
  • stillajwexelder

    You cant make this stuff up - oh - wait a minute -they did make it up

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    It would be interesting to send recorded copies to Service, Writing, and Teaching Departments.

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