My wife got very nervous about me being on this sight

by recovering 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • treadnh2o

    "Yeah, even though my wife is okay with my fade, she still feels uncomfortable with me being on this site unfortunately."


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    All computers in our house regularly and openly visit this site.

    Guess we won't be having the local JW Computer Guru give them tune-ups anymore.

  • FuzzyPaul

    Dear recovering,

    This site is about free speech. JWs, ex-JWs, non-JWs, studying with JWs, anti JWs - they are all here and agree to hear each other decently. There is no free speech in the WT.

    Researching the flag salute court cases the Watchtower fought I learned that free speech has four components and all must be allowed for speech to be free.

    1. Free speech means that one can say what one wishes (some limits apply).
    2. Free speech means that one can not be forced to say something (pledge of allegiance) or anything, including testifying against oneself or qualifying family.
    3. It also means that one is free to listen to others speaking even if some strongly dissent.
    4. AND one can not be forced to listen to others ( a form of mental false imprisonment ).

    The Watchtower won a valuable right ( somebody said how this was a great service to democracy) but denies the components of it to members.

    The devil is only a fallen angel. The Holy Spirit lives within us. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and he is irresistable. John wrote that he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. Demons aren't going to pop out of a page and take us over but that is how many feel, I did. The Holy Spirit has taught me a lot about the evils propagated in the Watchtower by reading you all here.



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