Sure it's the Truth....if you believe in the Truth Fairy!
I Wish People Would Stop Calling It The Truth
by Quillsky 40 Replies latest jw friends
Thats one of my biggest beefs too. Something is either right, or its wrong. Its either true or its false.
Miseryloveselders, I can't say I subscribe to black & white thinking. For example the Red Cross/Red Crescent exists to assist people in a neutral and humanitarian way in situations of disaster and war. That is its "truth", and has a specific philosophy and code of conduct. Similarly Médecins Sans Frontières has a similar reason for existing but has its own, different, policies and procedures, also "truth" to that organization.
Is one right and the other wrong? Of course not. And neither would ever dare to promote itself as The Truth when it comes to humanitarian aid. There are millions of "truths" in this universe, and some appear to contradict each other, but they can all be "true" to someone somewhere.
So the Jehovah's Witness' The Truth™ is obscenely presumptious and should be a red flag to anyone involved with this society.
My main point in starting this thread though is to highlight how even after leaving many people still use the objectionable expression The Truth with regard to JW's. I like the points made by Mr. Flipper........
Unless a person educates themselves on how the WT society used catch phrases and loaded language to deceive it's members - ex-witnesses will continue using such terms and expressions because the mind control hasn't fully left them yet. For some it takes longer than others.
And by Wobble.....
I correct her, and she just laughs and says it is "shorthand" , so I reply, Cult is just as short, use that.
And by TD...
Why do some insist on treating "Truth" as a tangible object that you can "Have" or "Be in?"
Exactly right. "Being in the truth" and "Having the truth" are pure cult-speak.
It's funny how this subject came up. While visiting my friend the other week, who is leaving too, we both inadvertently called it the truth. We both laughed and agreed to try to say something else like 'the witnesses' etc.....I am trying to de-programme myself to not say it, mostly as It doesn't deserve to be called truth, or anything that resembles it. It is a really difficult thing to let go of, and for me I think partly as I am saddened that it isn't the truth...and I'm finding now that I don't know what direction to go in. Many who were really indoctrinated find it really hard to let go of this term, among others like 'brother' etc....time will heal the wounds and these terms will be a thing of the past eventually for most who leave. Don't get annoyed at those who use the terms JW's use every patient and sympathetic as brainwashing is a cruel and sad thing to endure and empathy is needed by all toward those brave enough to leave this high control group..x
Black Sheep
I met the Apostate son of a Plymouth Bretheren and got him talking about his father.
Without telling him my background, or my reasons for asking, I prompted him to come up with at least half a dozen JW buzzwords/phrases, uncluding "The Truth". This wouldn't have taken 5 minutes.
He thought that the JWs were a harmless Christian sect, but that he had been brought up in a dangerous high control cult. When we compared notes, the differences disappeared.
What the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society sell is a product which requires a Branding.
THE TRUTH is the branding of their cartoon theology for public consumption.
Cleverly, even when enemies refer to the brand they are forced to elevate it by mere mention.
An Ex-JW also condemns himself by saying "I use to be in The Truth but I'm not anymore."
In fact, THE TRUTH represents a manufactured "reality".
The vocabulary of each person inducted into Jehovah's Witness membership undergoes an overhaul of their key definitions which link
to Reality.
The indoctrination works like a virus on a computer.
The original links to REALITY are wiped away and a shortcut link is substituted to the RE-DEFINED manufactured reality of THE TRUTH.
Jehovah's Witnesses do not any longer inhabit the same plane of existence as everybody else.
Their vocabulary, conceptual map and value system itself has been replaced by the uber-reality as described by Watchtower-think.
Compare the difference between a person driving a car and a pilot flying an airplane.
The car driver must see the road and react second-by-second to the highway conditions.
A pilot is flying on instruments in total reliance on the programming of the flight computer navigator.
The car driver must react, think, evaluate rationally or suffer disaster.
The airline pilot is there to launch the flight, transmit messages to the passengers and control tower and land the plane.
Jehovah's Witnesses are taken off the highway of reality and put in the cockpit of a Watchtower controlled enviornment which replaces reality.
All the JW is required to do is take off when commanded and land where they are told to land. The rest is passive compliance.
THE TRUTH and the other branding JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES becomes the only identity a JW can handle. They will be totally unable to function in reality when disconnected from their CONTROL TOWER.
I saw a sign in front of a church today that said "Truth decay? Brush up with your Bible"
Didn't notice the denomination or anything but the phrase or it's intent didn't have any more of an effect on me than if it had been a hall (not that they advertise that way). I just thought it was clever church signage and that they don't have the "truth" any more or less than any other religion, in general.
Carry on.
Good analogy Terry, far too many people have climbed aboard the Watchtower Corporate plane to fly off to paradise only to
self destruct on-board at the hands of the pilots, namely the GB and the other past presidents.
"The Truth" terminology exemplifies the strong vivid indoctrination that people go through by the WTS.
and is just another of the vast wording used to control the members thinking.
Now why would anybody leave or not want the truth, how illogical !
I choke back a litttle vomit every time i hear "the truth".
I choke back a litttle vomit every time i hear "the truth".
That will pass in time. Everybody's got the "truth" in some form or other. Nobody believes in bullshit.