1975 - you know what? I don't even want to go 'there' ... not ready yet .. bastards! ruined a lot of lives.
Any Good 1975 Stories?
by Think About It 41 Replies latest jw friends
a great thread, and I think,,, a great group hug !
I would have been 10 in 1975 and I rember thinking to myself I hope The End doesn't come because I wanted to be able to drive a car and was unsure whether there would be cars in the New Order. What a load of crap! LOL.
1975, I was 16 left school bcoz armageddon was just around the next corner, what a total load of crap..... bastards
Aussie Oz
We marked 75' by burying a stash of bibles and Watchtowers under the floor of the shed. We were renting a little cottage and the place had a dirt floor shed. So we (mother and 3 kids) dug a big hole. Mum loving and carefully wrapped every book in plastic and we buried them.
We were so ready for 'the persecution' that was to come any day. We knew there had to be massive persecution before Armageddon. It was a big deal to us, so much so that when my father (who left due to the WT) started college to train as a chiro we all laughed how he would be dead before he ever graduated.
He has since retired.
ps... I bet i could go back and dig em up!
Our Overseer would annouce at each Service Meeting how many months remained till Armageddon 28, 24, 18 it was like the NASA countdown.
Honestly guys, you who never experienced the 1975 fiasco, we that did ain't making it up, it was real enough.
Circuit Overseers were counting down the months at each visit, tellings us that Brooklyn brothers are even reckoning on Armageddon coming BEFORE 1975 because of the state of the world & how the nations were poised to annihilate each other.
CO's even advised dubs not to have surgery if blood was going to be an issue, the BIG A was sooooo close 'what's wrong with limping through armageddon?'
People had 'Armageddon cars', that is cars that would see them through until Armageddon.............the last car they would need.
OH Yes it was real enough.
Aussie Oz wrote:
"We marked 75' by burying a stash of bibles and Watchtowers under the floor of the shed. We were renting a little cottage and the place had a dirt floor shed. So we (mother and 3 kids) dug a big hole. Mum loving and carefully wrapped every book in plastic and we buried them.
We were so ready for 'the persecution' that was to come any day. We knew there had to be massive persecution before Armageddon. It was a big deal to us, so much so that when my father (who left due to the WT) started college to train as a chiro we all laughed how he would be dead before he ever graduated.
He has since retired.
ps... I bet i could go back and dig em up!"
Actually, bro of mine.. you couldn't.. 'coz when Mum remarried and we moved to South Aust, we dug 'em up then, remember? Despite all the silica gel we packed into them before wrapping and sealing, moisture had gotten in and they'd gone moldy..
Think About It
Bumping this 1975 thread for new ones.
I got married in 1972, one of the many who rushed into marriage, fearing that you couldn't marry after Armageddon. I was not quite 18 and incredibly naive. The marriage was a mistake from the get go, but I was stuck. I remember a lot of talk about the end being near, but as it got closer around 73 or 74, that seem to die down a bit, at least in the magazines I started to think that maybe the end wasn't quite so close. I got pregnant that year, so I was more concerned with my own situation. I remember when the Watchtower came out blaming us all for "going ahead", I actually fell for it, even though I had heard in the magazines and from the platform that 75 was it. I cannot explain it, but I guess memories are short, and being under cult mind control, we just believed what we were told. It actually never occurred to me that this false prediction was a sign I was in the wrong religion.