I knew that Jehovah's Witnesses were callous and cruel but this just takes it to a new level.
My children's house was burned in a fire and their idiot mother (my ex wife) did not have insurance on the house.
Home Depot is trying to help them and has offered to donate materials to repair the house and has asked Habitat for Humanity to get involved to supply the labor.
The Habitat for Humanity district manager came to my children's house and met the Home Depot district manager and my children.
After they left my children's grandmother (who lives in the house) told them that if Habitat for Humanity is involved in fixing the house that she will refuse to live there any more because they are involved with Christendom. So, she is putting pressure on my ex wife to leave the house burned and leave my chlidren (her grandchildren) homeless.
My middle daughter said "well, we will miss you when you leave". My youngest daughter said, "well I guess I won't be seeing you any more because I refuse to live in a burned house when people are offering to help fix it but you and my mother are so stupid and retarded that you won't let them help".
Please tell me that my ex wife won't be stupid enough to go along with this nonsense. Oh, neither my ex nor her mother has gone to meetings in several years.
I REALLY hate Jehovah's Witnesses.