interesting email circulating amongst witnesses: gubberning body says preaching reason is..................

by DaCheech 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    So if this is true:

    "Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name."
    So, our main focus in preaching should be on praising God. This is more important than saving people, as Jehovah is more important than humans.

    That being the case then the JWs should all be taking singing lesson and learn how to play an instrument. I'm mean if that is more important then they should be working up some really good songs, that is really the better way to praise him:

    Great God Jehovah Father Supernal

    You rule a Soviegn in Heaven above

  • dissed

    Frankiespeakin -

    Yes, praise JG. He needs his ego stroked, because he lacks in self-confidence.

    "Oh Jehovah, you are so great. You are incredible. Your name makes me want to shout! Even though it's not found in the NT. And even though we don't know how to pronounce it accurately, nor have a clue how to say it right. It doesn't matter, as long we say something to the world. An oh, if they don't respect your name what it ever it is? They should be destroyed for not using the wrong name, because, they should at least try, like us"

    Praise be to you. God with the mis-pronounced name!

    ***Note: This is not intended to mock the real God of the Bible, just the one the WT portrays.

  • Leolaia

    The Society just cannot let go of its insistance that only JWs will "survive" Aramgeddon. The grim realities facing their mission in countries like India points out the ridiculousness of such beliefs as "You are bloodguilty if you do not get out and constantly preach" and "a person who rejects the witness will die in Armageddon", but they do not yet realize how ridiculous this whole notion of "community responsibility" is. Yet when the Watchtower spokesman is put on the spot about only JWs surviving Armageddon, he will say that it is not for him to say; God judges one's heart. And yet that is contradicted by the idea that God is going to condemn whole populations because of "community responsibility". The simple fact is they wouldn't be going down the "community responsibility" route if they didn't believe also that only JWs are marked for salvation. But they are locked into that belief because of Rutherford's Jonadab/great crowd doctrine. Prior to that brainstorm, in the 1920s, it was taken for granted that most of humanity would witness the transformation of the world into a paradise. But since the time Rutherford insisted that only those who attach themselves to the organization will survive, the Society is stuck with the notion that 6+ billion will die and many if not most are already condemned to ETERNAL destruction without having any opportunity of "hearing the good news".

  • bobld

    That email makes about as much sense as picking nutrients out of shit.


  • Norcal_Sun

    What baffles me is the backpedaling and casual attitude about the preaching work in general. I also think it is interesting that they advise people to flee from persecution!! Where was that scripture all those years when people were putting their lives in danger just to distribute the magazines?

    If someone with WT Library would like to do a sentence scope search of "Life saving work" I would be interested in what you would find.

    I found 121 instances of the phrase in the WT library. Most of it was just admonition to continue in the preaching work and to take it seriously. But here is a quote that directly contradicts the attitude presented by that GB member:

    Like Paul, Christians today seek to share the good news with their neighbors at every opportunity. With the “great tribulation” fast approaching, our search for honesthearted ones is urgent. May genuine love for people move us to be diligent in this lifesaving work.—Matt. 24:21; Ezek. 33:8. KM 07/05

  • kurtbethel

    Every life is precious to Jehovah,and to his organization.

    This is unadulterated bullshit. Word is, both in print and spoken by Garrit Losch, that people such as the great crowd are POSSESIONS, that is like PROPERTY. The organization treats people as such, so he is honest on that point. A whole class of people are regarded in the same manner as a ball of yarn or some tools. Yes, that sounds about right, tools.

  • LouBelle

    every life precious to the organisation - what f*&%ing BS - how many lives have been sacrificed to the ghod of the WT over and over again.

  • SirNose586
    Wish someone could look up the rate of increase before 1975 - THAT would be a telling comparison...

    Sure thing, ziddina:

    There's a chart right as you open the page which should help you out.

  • JeffT

    I bet it would be hard to find 1 in a 1000 "worldly" people who have any idea what JW's are preaching about. I've talked to a lot of people about it and here is what most of them know: JW's go to peoples doors and try to sell them magazines (I've talked to people who think that the R&F actually make money doing this), JW's don't celebrate Christmas or birthdays, they don't vote, they have other odd beliefs. Some know that JW's think that the end of the world is coming.

    If the purpose of JW preaching is to make Jehovah known, or vindicate His name, they aren't doing a very good job. The idea that they have to do it to avoid getting killed makes at least some sense.

  • OnTheWayOut

    So, our main focus in preaching should be on praising God.

    Every life is precious to Jehovah, and to his organization

    Their own thoughts are inconsistent. The two above are examples. "Our main goal is..., but let's talk about making more disciples so you all have work to do."

    When they can turn their backs on any member who starts to question the doctrine, I know that every life is not precious.

    Also, the main goal talk may mean that they will reduce the production of literature, but still have JW's go out and recruit in order to keep them busy. They may use flyers or just the NWT, but they will go out and praise God.

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