"Woe for the Earth and for the Sea!"

by wannabe 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Woe for the Earth and for SEAL ???? Really WHY ??? What did Seal ever do to anybody ....I like his singing .....really why oh why ????

    oops it said Sea, oh okay everything is okay now ..my mistake ... continue on nothing to see here

  • wannabe


    Wannbe was A Jehovah's Witness for Twenty-One years, but didn't Wannabe anymore, so skipped out on them! Left over Ten Years ago! Leaving quite a few P-O people behind me! Ha! Wannabe PS! Seems I've more in front of me now, than I left behind me! Such is life eh?

  • AllTimeJeff
    So, is Wannabe a jw or just a wannabe?


    Well, I am all for beliving that Revelation is a cogent, logical, point by point explanation of something.

    IF you can get past big furry beasts eating prostitutes and seeing horsemen riding clouds.

    Sooooo, what? This means what wannabe? What context are you saying this? Preaching? Teaching? What is the practical value of what you wrote? (in a few sentences this time, please?)

  • wannabe


    I'm thinking you won't find anything like that in any Watchtower. Too much in that article they are not even aware of. Probably never will be. I don't believe you'll ever find a Watchtower that puts the Governing body in a bad light. If you ever did, they'd probably fire, the entire writing department. Wannabe

  • wannabe

    Hey! Shamus 100!

    Does that happen to be the crow the Governing Body will have served to them on a plate? He! He! Wannabe

  • AllTimeJeff

    Btw wannabe

    I am cool with you believing the bible. I just was reading your post for a while, then my eyes got cross eyed, then I got confused because someone was trying to interpret Revelation to me again....

    So it gets a little old. Suffice to say, Revelation isn't a book I think of to start with so that I can prove JW's wrong, insofar as anyone can interpret Revelation to anything they want.

    But I do know that JW's are totally full of crap when it comes to their explanation, so I wish you well in deconstructing their crap.

  • frankiespeakin


    Still chasing the tail of a vengeful, mean, destroying God I see. Don't tell me he's a God of love too! LOL That Deity seems to be eating up your brains.

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