I Want To Order Some Books ...
by snowbird 30 Replies latest jw friends
Just go to their website and order away ! ! !
Did you try to do that and your order didn't go thru or something ?
I tried, but failed.
I'm a hopeless luddite.
Think About It
Just PM Cthulhu on this board......he can hook you up with old JW books.
Think About It
No, thank you!
I'll just keep trying until I'm kicked out.
Books? Books? I got them coming out of my ears.
What sort of books are you looking for? I got 7,000 for sale on Amazon UK. Take your pick.
Have you got an account with Amazon? If not, first you need to create and account and enter your card details. If you prefer to pay by cheque or some other method, there are other sites where you can buy books, such as Biblio, ABE, Alibris, or eBay even.
John Doe
Just add any books you want to buy to your cart. When you're ready to order, click "cart" on the top right hand corner of the screen. It will take you to a screen to input shipping and payment information. It's so easy, evan a 'baman can do it.
I want to order some books that are out of print.
I was booted out because I didn't give a shipping address.
I saw no field for entering an address.
I was booted out because I didn't give a shipping address.
Sometimes there is a button where you simply confirm that the shipping address is the same as the invoice address.
I doubt you were booted out.
John Doe
Sylvia, were these magic grits? Are we to assume that the laws of physics cease to exist in your kitchen?