full time legal secretary
part time realtors assistant
part time tax preparer
and taking classes to learn Tarot.
by looloo 112 Replies latest jw experiences
full time legal secretary
part time realtors assistant
part time tax preparer
and taking classes to learn Tarot.
I have four part time jobs : sales clerk and barista for a giftshop w/coffee bar ; School Bus driver ; office cleaner for a Lawyers group (yes I clean toilets for money :) ; and Photographer
Magwitch - you have a PM.
My job: Education (Federal Student Loans) Administration - Student Loan Default Aversion.
Super model
I have a small firm whose responsiblities include mending tectonic plates. It's not all it's cracked up to be.
school media specialist.
The reality
Was a corporate product manager
Owned 2 Retail stores and a
small manufacturing facility
Owned a CPA firm with the
wife (she's a CPA)
Sold the CPA firm
Sold the stores and factory
Got bored
Building the accounting firm
back up again........................
It's good to be king
Supervisor in the Electrical Workshop:
- the sort of place you end up when you area broken down electrician!
Did and was:
Sold and made White Castles..(Hamburgers)
Cashier in retail store
Department manager in retail store
Asst. manager of Levi store
Bank teller in Savings and loan
Bank teller in bank
Senior Teller in Bank/ATM manager
Second head vault teller in Bank/ Safe deposit box manager
New Account Rep/ Personal Banker
I know of three window washers on the ex JW boards...
flight attendant.