I remain open to the causes of this event. UFO events are singular. They are subject to the ability of the witness to accurately report what they experienced. The more witnesses to an event the more credibile it usually is. This is especially true if the witnesses are in different locations. Many people need closure on a disturbing event. I feel that simply saying I don't know what I experienced and will probably never know is premature closure.
This is why I am interested in others experiences that share some of the same features as what I experienced. These are the essential elements of the experience:
1. Loud roaring sound similar to but not exactly like a jet airplane.
2. Physical vibration of buildings.
3. Source is clearly from the sky.
4. Unusually long duration and slow moving. Being 3 miles from an International Airport I have never seen a Jet take more than 30 seconds from the time you first hear it to the time it fades away. Peak noise is never more than 5 seconds.
What I have done is combed the reports of similar events that involve visual connection with the noise.
Here is another report similar to what I experienced:
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Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 9/6/2001 21:00 (Entered as : 080601 2100)
Reported : 9/6/2001 20:39
Posted : 10/12/2001
Location : MEDINA, OH
Shape : Unknown
My wife and i were watching tv when we heard what sounded like a
low flying jet.but after about 5 minutes the sound was still above
us .we went out side to see if we could see what it was, but saw
nothing. just a loud roar of what sounded like ten jet engines all
at once ,but it was not moving. it was fading in and out like it
was going off into the distance and comming back.this lasted about
another ten minutes then started moving west until we could no
longer here it.