Connie D29 wanted to know:
Ok so I'm really trying to figure out what I believe about the bible, God, religion, etc... Where do you research or find something to study that isn't tainted with someone else's beliefs or opinions? This might be a dumb question, but I seriously don't even know where to start.
You have to establish your PREMISE before you start building all sorts of belief-systems on top of it.
Your premise includes the idea that you need to BELIEVE something about God, the bible, religion.
Just because primitive man developed superstitious ideas we don't let go of today doesn't mean you can't let go. You can.
What we know for sure, for certain, for a fact always deals with NATURE and not SUPERnature (the supernatural.)
We are living in a Post-Enlightenment world surrounded by people whose minds are tainted by the corruption of Pre-Enlightenment thinking!
The Dark Ages haunts the Muslim world which cannot abide Modernity! The terrorists lash out and destroy because they are held in the grip of supernatural insanity.
Fundamentalist Christians cannot accept modern science or allow divergent opinion. They are locked in the grip of supernatural insanity too.
I have a suggestion for you.
Instead of jumping out of the frying pan of Watchtower Cartoon Theology and into the fire of Christendom, New Age touchy feely-dom, or radical Atheisim---why not put religion off to the side on hold for a year?
Go back and repair your education. Study some neutral histories of the world. Study a bit of science, learn about how mathematics developed over the centuries, look at philosophy and logic and such. Increase your vocabulary. Read some great literature.
Give that gaping open and festering wound in your soul a chance to heal.
After a year or so, try this.
Read the early history of the development of Christianity from both sides: the heretics and the proto-christians.
Study the development of the heirarchy and how Roman bureacracy took hold. See how after Alexander the Great conquered damned near the whole world everything was turned upside down and how culture dramatically changed and became Greek and pagan.
Read about the debates, controversies, accusations and physical violence that visited the various regions with Christian differences.
Form a NEW OPINION from scratch that doesn't just superimpose on top of what you ALREADY THINK you know.
1.Ask yourself: What do I already think I know about this? How might I be wrong? How would I know if I'm wrong?
2.Ask yourself: Who is saying this and what did they stand to gain/lose? Why should I trust them and not their opponent?
Objectivity is a goal. It won't happen for a long time. You will have knee-jerk reactions. You have been programmed to judge black and white polarized snap-judgements. That won't go away for many years.
But, you will heal if you avoid AUTHORITY FIGURES who try to pound away at you.
Think for yourself. Develop good critical thinking skills and then trust your skills.
Study a list of Logical Fallacies and see how they apply.
I always reccomend the book by Mortimer J. Adler: TEN PHILISOPHICAL MISTAKES.
That simple and easy to read book was a wonderful beginning in repairing my thinking and teaching me how I might start to understand the world around me.
Every day in every way you'll grow better and better.
Good luck!