i need HELP debunking the HOLY SPIRIT

by Smoky 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Robdar
    So, you felt "you, me, the birds, the bees, etc.?" Sounds rather convoluted and nonsensical if I do say so myself.

    JD, it is possible to become one with all things. Have you never connected with a lover so much so that in your union you become one to the point that if you touched her leg, you felt your touch on your own leg?

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

  • Robdar
    That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

    You should really learn to let yourself go. There is a whole other world waiting to be explored, felt, touched, tasted, embraced. Let love be your guide. Until then, have you ever considered chemicals?

  • cameo-d


    "...but the Holy Spirit did not gain official recognition by the church as being divine and part of the Trinity until Constantinople I. "

    Could this be some indication that the scriptures were re-written or altered during this time to suddenly include such a concept? Could it be that the NT we have is not actually from 1st century scrolls?

  • GromitSK

    Have you considered an exorcist?

  • oppostate

    The Holy Spirit is alive and well, just pray for it to God through Christ
  • BurnTheShips
    Shekinah, the bride of God, is the Jewish term for Holy Spirit. I have felt that presence and so will not be able to help you debunk it.

    Wasn't it also the glowing presence of God over the Ark in the Temple? Google Aish Tamid. The eternal fire. I've always thought it was a metaphor for the Holy Spirit. The fire within.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't think anyone has answered Smoky's question since Moshe's post. How about helping the guy out?

    One way to debunk the idea that the Holy Spirit is guiding the WT and the FDS is using their own literature. The April 15, 2010 Watchtower has an article about how Holy Spirit has been doing just that. It is easily disproved when you compare the current teaching on generation in that article with past teachings on the same topic, then ask: Was the Holy Spirit wrong in the past? Did it change its mind?

    They will respond with "the light is getting brighter" crap, then ask them: Why would the Holy Spirit dispense incorrect light, or darkness, upon God's chosen people? Did Jehovah ever mislead the nation of Israel? Is the organization actually accusing God of misleading His people intentionally in the past just so He can become ever more truthful in the present and future? Does the Bible show any history of that sort of deceptive behavior from the Almighty?

    This will only work if they're open to reason, which they probably aren't. They're brainwashed by a mind-control cult, don't forget. Google Steve Hassan and read, read, read.

    Good luck, Smoky.

  • Robdar
    Wasn't it also the glowing presence of God over the Ark in the Temple? Google Aish Tamid. The eternal fire. I've always thought it was a metaphor for the Holy Spirit. The fire within.

    Yes! And much more, actually.

  • BurnTheShips
    The presence is separate from nothing. It is all that there is. Remember, God is One. That includes you, me, the birds, the bees, etc, it is within you and without you. Mind altering chemicals and hormones are merely tools to help you become aware of it.

    I've just got to trip with Robbie one day.



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