This debate is now on YouTube. . .
by leavingwt 35 Replies latest jw friends
This debate is now on YouTube. . .
I am reading his book, very interesting views.
Does the scizophrenic LOVE/HATE/LOVE/HATE God of the Hebrew exist? I do not think so.
Does the "God is love" God described in 1 John 4:8 exist? If God is Love, and Love is God, then yes LOVE definitely exists and undeniably is a powerful force.
I love the powerful force that is LOVE.
Does "Happiness" exist? Or, do we create it when we think a certain way?
Can you prove the existence of Justice or is it a construct of society?
We have to be aware of the important and distinctive contrast between: OBJECTIVE and SUBJECTIVE
God certainly exists SUBJECTIVELY like happiness and Justice.
Objectively, you have to distinguish the Pain from the Malady.
I often hear Born-Agains talk about their PERSONAL ENCOUNTER with God.
Well, that's THEIR TOOTHACHE which we must infer from the profession of pain of the other person.
What is personal is subjective.
For God to be OBJECTIVE would be to place God someplace.
The distance between the existing universe and the METAphysics of the nonprovable is unbreachable except in our own imagination.
If you have to try to PROVE the existence of the most powerful and important Being in all the Universe you already have problems!
My happiness exists when I think a certain way.
I create happiness.
I am happy with that.
This debate is now on YouTube. . .
Saw the whole debate.
Dinesh is a great debater and made some excellent points, too bad John was not in his league though.
It would have been interesting to see a more balanced debate.
His book is quite excellent, I am half way through it and I highly recommend it.