This is something that did happen in a bookstudy I attended for years, my father was
the M.S. assistant back then.
There was this bookstudy conductor who was in his late 30's early 40's, and was a
school teacher by trade. He did encourage questions from the friends at the bookstudy.
And he'd have the other people in the bookstudy take shots at answering the extra
question presented, when it was something totally unrelated to the paragraphs, just
something that came to mind, he'd write down the question and bring it up at the end
of the study for the friends to take shots at answering. People loved the study, they'd
show up from other bookstudies, there were only 16 regularly assigned and the number
went to 27, 32 depending on the week.
Sometimes this conductor would say aloud he didn't quite understand something himself and had
to do extra research--he was very fond of bringing printouts from older publications that touched
on the subject. I remember going through the 2 volume Isaiah series, and Daniel, and then
too the Revelation book, the newly revised edition. He had a sister who only had an old copy
and didn't want to use a new one read the part that had been changed fro the original reading
for comparison.
I think he got in trouble with the neo-Nazi Service Overseer who came over to inspect the
bookstudy. He got demoted as Bookstudy Conductor/Overseer and another brother was
brought in who was a born-in, son of the oldest pioneer alive in the region, a person who
just read the questions from the book and wouldn't even acknowledge you gave an answer,
just called on the next hand. Everything was so boring after that. At first people in the bookstudy
would still ask the older elder questions about the study material, but he started referring us
to the new conductor. It wasn't the same bookstudy anymore, and the number went to about
11 to 14 most weeks.