WTF! Only JWs have a RIGHT to pray?

by Mythbuster 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dssynergy

    What about all those stories of JWs who saved someone from killing themselves because they arrived at the door right after the person prayed?? I guess they will have to stop publishing those stories the, eh?

  • Robdar

    What a bunch of hooey pooey!

    When will those maroonskis learn that if God is love, he must be approached through love? How can you have a comforting and loving relationship with something you fear? However, the above does explain all the anxiety many witnesses have.

  • blondie

    *** w02 4/15 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***This is not to say that Jehovah expects a particular style or set formula when we pray. A key factor is a person’s heart condition. (1 Samuel 16:7) In the first century C.E., a Roman army officer named Cornelius "made supplication to God continually." Cornelius, an uncircumcised Gentile, was not dedicated to Jehovah. Though it is unlikely that he offered his prayers in Jesus’ name, they "ascended as a remembrance before God." Why? Because "the examiner of hearts," saw that Cornelius was "a devout man and one fearing God." (Acts 10:2, 4; Proverbs 17:3) Upon gaining knowledge of "Jesus who was from Nazareth," Cornelius received holy spirit and became a baptized disciple of Jesus.—Acts 10:30-48.

    In the final analysis, it is not for humans to decide which prayers God hears. If a Christian on occasion made an utterance to God and overlooked using such an expression as "in Jesus’ name," there would be no need for him to burden himself with guilt. Jehovah is fully aware of our limitations and wants to help us. (Psalm 103:12-14)

  • Caedes
    God does not answer the prayers ofwicked, unfaithful, and self-righteous people


  • Mythbuster

    Thanks for everyone's comments. In Blondie's post it says

    In the final analysis, it is not for humans to decide which prayers God hears. If a Christian on occasion made an utterance to God and overlooked using such an expression as "in Jesus' name," there would be no need for him to burden himself with guilt. Jehovah is fully aware of our limitations and wants to help us.

    But don't JWs use the term "Christian" to only apply to them? And since the article uses the terms "our" and "us" that the article is only talking about prayers from JWs?

    Freetosee, that is a crazy story. The JW I am talking to won't read one thing or look at one thing on the internet without asking, where is this from? Uh, from your literature or from one of your gatherings. Damn!

  • Mythbuster


  • arwen

    I would like to know how someone can have a "wholesome dread" of God.. That is sad,,just sad..

  • Heaven

    I would like to know how someone can have a "wholesome dread" of God.. That is sad,,just sad..

    I agree, Arwen. When religions tell us we have to 'fear' God, my BS detector goes off. I'm not sure how to love something I fear. Can anyone explain?

  • winstonchurchill

    It boils down to the tendency -habit, i woud say- odf making a rule out of EVERYTHING.

    Bible says God listens to prayers from righteous people + JW's are the only righteous people = Only JW's prayers are acceptable to God

    They do it all the time:

    Jesus says we have to be like children to inherit the kingdom + R Movies are not appropriate for children = JW's can't see R movies

    I could go on and on... but they are not even original; the pharisees used to do the same.

    After teh Bat-seeba incident, David was anything but just, but God did listen to his prayer. Cornelius was not a Christian, yet his prayer was answered.

  • donuthole

    I was specifically told during my judicial appeal meeting that I should try to return to the Organization as soon as possible so I could have the privilege of praying again.

    I can't stress what a disgusting lie this is. No man has the right or authority to stand between a person and their Heavenly Father and tell them they do have access to him. To do so is to treat Jesus Christ with gross disrepect. They thus say that the only way a person can come to their Father is through them, and their organization, not through Jesus Christ.

    At the time I knew this was an evil lie and could reject it as such; sadly, I have met others who believed this. They have been cut off from the congregation due to moral failings and believe they are consequantly cut off from Almighty God as well.

    I believe there are serious consequences to the religious leaders that promote this lie just as Jesus heaped scorn on those of his day that "shut up the Kingdom of the Heavens."

    Also per the WT info Blondie posted -

    In the final analysis, it is not for humans to decide which prayers God hears. If a Christian on occasion made an utterance to God and overlooked using such an expression as "in Jesus’ name," there would be no need for him to burden himself with guilt. Jehovah is fully aware of our limitations and wants to help us. (Psalm 103:12-14)

    This article tips the hand that the Watchtower religion, and Jehovah's Witnesses by extention, have no idea what it really means to pray "in Jesus' name" limiting it to some mere formulistic expression, dare I say secret password, tacked on to the end of a prayer to have your prayer heard by the Father. Sadly, if it wasn't for that custom Jesus would rarely be mentioned in a JW prayers at all.

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