Daily Mail UK Newspaper article The knock at the door that turned my parents into brainwashed fanatics - and nearly cost my life

by Latte 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • InquiryMan

    I also found it exagerrated... at quite a few points. It would have been much more credible if told in a more loudspoken, accurate way.

  • InquiryMan

    sorry meant, softspoken.

  • boyzone

    I agree with Ann on this. I felt it wasn't that accurate in certain statements but given the Daily Mail and its journalistic licence I'm not surprised.

    What really got to me was the stupid statement from the Wachtower spokesman at the end of the article. It said,

    "'We offer freedom of choice and if anyone decides to leave the group, it's up to them'.

    After reading this tripe, I had to leave a comment on there.

  • BluesBrother
    a compromise with the highest standards of journalism.

    You can say that again Besty....Still the Daily Mail is well known for that over here . But, all power to anyone who debunks The Borg.

    The trouble is, that the people you need to reach, young dubs and those having studies, will see the inaccuracies and discount the article , even see it as "proof that The Truth" gets persecuted..

    BTW. I trust that they ran this past their legal desk. There are laws in the U K about defaming a religion

  • God_Delusion

    They're not a religion; they're a registered charity...

  • GromitSK

    It wasn't nicknamed the Daily Heil for nothing.

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