Another thread got me thinking about this:
In the area I live in, its not uncommon for people to be "ill" enough not to be able to hold a job, but they still regular pioneer.
When I was younger, someone tried to hook me up with this girl.
I called her and we chatted for a while. I asked her what she did for work - "Oh, well I am a pioneer"
OK - what do you do to support yourself - "Well, I am on disability and cant work."
I wanted to ask - you are unable to work secularly, but you can go out in the ministry every day? Walking all over the place, riding in cars seated a good part of the time? Isnt that more taxing that being seated at a desk?
Instead I asked - "Do you expect to be able to work anytime soon?"
Answer - "I doubt it, I want to remain a pioneer."
The conversation lasted about another 30 seconds..................LOL
I personally found it very offensive to collect money from the government for disability and be able to go out in the ministry all day, which can be physically taxing in itself.
There are people who do need it and have legitimate circumstances, but I have seen people abuse it, and then justify it by "Pioneering"
I wanted to tell her "Go get a freaking job" so bad!!