"Youth" book and "Young people ask" admitts that 97% boys and 92% of girls masturbate but of course NONE of the holy decent Witness teenagers would EVER do such a thing and earn Jehovahs anger! How realistic is this? 97% of the world have T.V's or a telephone! This figure always shocked me I thought...damn I'm not alone! Near 100% of teenage boys do it....except the 3% who are obviously Jehovahs Witnesses or studying! How REALISTIC??????
"Youth book" said 97% of teenagers Masturbate...but none of them are Witnesses! Is this unrealistic?
by Witness 007 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The ones that don't do it don't have hands.
Rub a Dub
bullshit 97% - 100% nearer
Think About It
I wish the puritan fools in Brooklyn would leave this subject alone and use the time, ink & paper to talk more about Jesus. Two of my most embarrassing moments in JW's had to do with masturbation. Was volunteered by the PO to give a talk to the cong. about masturbation. I never saw so many young people be so uncomfotable in my life. The other was a meeting where a woman my age confessed to masturbating herself. As a young elder, I really didn't want to hear that.
Think About It
Two comments I've read from psychologists on the subject - sorry to lazy to look for the references just now.
1) 99% of teenage boys admit they do it, the 1% lie about it.
2) Masturbation used to be considered unnatural. The cure for this was to not masturbate. Now not masturbating is seen as unnatural. The cure for this is to masturbate.
97% of all single elders do it
100 % Bullshit!
100 percent do it.
From outside, it is easy to see this is an "I say, you say" situation. If Person B said "Nah, witnesses do masturbate", Witness person A would say "Prove it". I guess it's smarter, and closer to reality, to say that it is they who have the burden of proof. If they make the statement, let's not believe it unless they prove it.
I wonder how the statement could even be made. How was the printing department of the WTS to know?
Why would they bother to include references to masturbation if no one in the organization masturbated? When I was a kid, a witness at my door gave me the "Your Youth..." book, and I remember ver well that it had tips on how to avoid the temptation to masturbate. Where did they learn that from?
Not that this is a particularly important thing. I can't care less if brother or sister "I-don't-even-know-about" masturbate. It's their business. What is important about this is that it is an organizational lie, told in blatant hypocrisy. In a brief, they know this isn't so.
I must have missed reading that quote, pages were stuck together............