Mouthy - Granny, I saw where you posted his home address, I opted for the email through the publisher. Tell Ray to send the addresses of those threatening him so we can post them here. I'd bet that we can do more threatening and writing than they can.
I received an email from Ray Franz
by Out at Last! 18 Replies latest jw friends
Trouble is outatlast,, they dont put their return address.
But I think it must be a JW..I know that is judging but i believe it
Just delete them. Is there a way to alert your server to threatening ones?
I hope he ends up seeing quite a few more birthdays. Fred made it to 98, despite remaining faithful to the value destroying organization. And, even while Ray was in, he tried to moderate a lot of the doctrine (including not disfellowshipping married couples for oral sex).
He tried to set the organization on a more mainstream course, and look what those witlesses do to him.
Witness 007
Bless his soul!!!!!! I still cant believe a Governing body member went rouge!!! Incredible!
Ray truly is a lovely, caring , and deep thinking man. His work in just replying to thank-you letters is quite daunting, even to a man many decades younger than he.
If he can help any to move forward in their faith in Christ , he will.
I wish him and his wife, much joy in knowing the good work they have done is bearing much fruit.
Dearest Grace, please forward our love, and best wishes, from all on JWN, in some way he has helped all of us, in a lot of cases he has saved lives, if only he was a Catholic we could make him a Saint !
I am not Catholic & I made him a saint in my life LOL
I must say how wonderful Rays book C of C is , for me this book was a total revelation and there was no going back afterwards . His total humility and love for God and Christ just shine through , just as much as his complete lack of rancour and bitterness . I will never get a chance to meet him , but if I did , I would want to throw my arms around him and say THANK YOU RAY .
Just wondering , does he ever get to post on here or is he in facebook or on a Christian forum or anything ?
Leo 999
compound complex
Wonderful news about getting a reply!
In all this I am not advocating any of these celebrations [mentioned beforehand]. I simply believe that, viewed calmly and factually, they are matters of minor significance ... The mere fact of knowing something is not condemned does not make it appealing. I am basically repelled by the shallowness and commercialism of many holidays. I have negative feelings about the practice of having a child "make a wish" while blowing out candles ... Yet I believe that for me to attribute such grave seriousness to these matters as though of life-and-death importance and to judge others on that basis would be to go beyond what Christian teaching authorizes.