You Know is trying to defend the WTS against the charge of being false prophets. HE is relying on something of a technicality. Let's look at the facts:
(i) The WTS claims explicitly to be "God's sole channel of communication with mankind."
What does that statement mean? It is self-evident. No amount of squirming can get out of the fact that the WTS claims to speak for God. This statement amounts to saying that the Bible is useless without the WTS. Why is it useless? Because, no one can determine what the Bible means except the WTS, God's chosen spirit-directed organization - as they have referred to it - his prophet.
So (a) they claim to speak for God as his prophet.
(ii) Essentially all WTS teachings have been revised or abandoned with the exception of a minority of teachings. In particular, their pronouncements that certain dates are "God's dates" have all been abandoned. Even "this generation of 1914" guranteed again in God's name has been discarded.
So, (b) most, if not all, of what they have spoken in God's name has turned out to have been false.
Therefore, they are false prophets. No other conclusion is possible.
It really is as simple as that. What is interesting is that you don't find the Israelites engaging in long debates as to whether some guy who came in God's name and told them a bunch of BS was a false prophet or not. You didn't find them debating that, since Moses and Noah had gone of the rails then this latest dude merits a second chance. Like hell - they did what the WTS would do if it could - stoned the bugger to death.
So, come off it Robert. You sound pathetic. The WTS has associated God's sacred name with a string of lunatic teachings that have all proved false. It has screeched these teachings at the world in such a manner that the name Jehovah has become a stench because of them.
But, to hear you talk, and despite all of this, the WTS still speaks for God. It is quite amazing the lengths that people will go to avoid admitting that they jumped out of the frying pan into the fire when they traded one lifestyle for salvation WTS style. Better to have joined Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show than that!
It demonstrates the central lie that the WTS rests upon - the ability to convince others that "today we didn't mean what we said yesterday in God's name."
Is it any wonder that the WTS cannot convert anyone anymore? God's channel is more like an intellectual sewer.