hello i used to serve at wallkill bethel. i lived in the c building, i remember doing my watchman asignments with the little divice that you use to scan the areas you are supposed to reach. at this time the construction was not complete in the printery and areas next to the main lobby. i would get lost in those construction areas every time and take forever to find my scan location. i also remember sunday mornings in the dining room walking to my table with a tray stacked with pancakes. my congregation was 45 minuets away and i was used to being a single man and going places alone....so i hated having to pile my car full of bethelites for every meeting because someone would always make us late....i used to be 20 minuets early for every meeting, and i had to be the sound servant which means i was never there in time to set things up which made for interesting meetings
ex bethelite experiences
by escape-artist 26 Replies latest jw friends
by the way i worked in the food warehouse, the slaughter house,h.b.s., and the infirmary. and i had the most crazy overseer of all time lol.
The slaughterhouse sounds pleasant. Did you find that any of the holier bethelites particularly enjoyed it?
The slaughterhouse, huh? I always wondered how the bethel farm animals were treated. Are they abused the way other factory farms are known for doing? Are they killed humanely?
we had what we called a kill every thursday, that meet was what we worked on the rest of the week. the animals were outside behind fences just like any farm, then they were taken to the slaughter house on thursday. working at the slaughter house was a little of a status symbol that you were tough and had an important job. we would shoot the animal in the head with a rod gun which stuned it, when it droped to the ground we had to hurry and chain its hind legs to a machine that would lift the animal in the air hanging by its hind legs. then you take your knif and cut the animals chest and neck wide open so that blood poored out like it was coming from a bucket...thats how the animals died, they were stuned and cut open to bleed out. some times they would wake up while being cut open and you saw an animal hanging by its legs screaming with blood pooring out of it till it choaked on its own blood....it was grows, but considerd a good asignment because it ment you were tough. how are animals killed outside of bethel?
Ugh. Anyway, I find it interesting that Bethel takes the time to be raising farm animals, when the rest of us are encouraged to simplify our lives. Why didn't they always just buy their food for goodness sake? It surely would have given more time for field service. We're made to feel guilty for spending too much time on a hobby and they got a farm going on. I know it's not as big as it used to be, but I know they still have cattle, for some tax purposes of course.
Nathan Natas
Most slaughterhouses out in "the worrld" just read The WATCHTOWER aloud until the animal victim dies of boredom or commits suicide.
But seriously, the way you did it sounds about as human as it can be. Did you slaughter anything other than beef?
EmptyInside, the WTB&TS didn't operate the farm as a "hobby." EVERYTHING the WTB&TS does comes down to a pure exercise in economics - it is less expensive to grow food for the slaves than to buy it and pay someone for their labor. Those steaks cost only as much as the corn that fed 'em.
well they only had the steers when i was reassigned to the field. but thats what we were there for in food service, we had our own corn and berries and it was our job in food service to care for these things. what was interesting was missing meetings because of having to work late.since i also worked at the food warehouse we had to wait for the trucks to come in with our supplies of food. sometimes they would come in late and we would have to wait for them. some of the food was exotic and fancy fruits i had never seen before, but some how the older bethel family members could aford that stuf. and man have you seen the cars these guys drive, can anyone explain how someone who has been at bethel 50 years can aford a 2007 cadilac....in 2007? so yea i didnt see the gb or older members of the family keeping a simple life.
Nathan Natas
Oh, come on, EscapeArtisit, you're pulling our legs, aren't you?
You REALLY can't figure out how a business that grosses nearly ONE BILLION tex-free dollars a year can aford to give Cadillacs to the old guard? ..or how they could "afford' to pay for exotic food?
It's called "contributions for the worldwide preaching work," amigo!
another thing that was cool was the bethel intranet, like the internet but only for bethel. it had all congregations with bethelites, the bethelites names etc, it even had all the branches and there phone numbers. and did anyone find it strange that all of c.t.russels books were right in the library along with non jw books like the book of morman. why is the book of morman in the wallkill b residence building library?