Who is the Man of Lawlessness

by wannabe 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin


    Heck crack is too expensive, but at least that explains Jehovah's deteriorating health. What else does Jehovah do for crack?

  • clearlyenlight

    The Man of Lawlessness is the Antichrist, the word antichrist is translated from two greek words that directly translates as opposite and anointed.

    The teaching that there is only one Messiah which defines as anointed is false. There are two anointed ones the good and the bad. Jesus is the master and king od the children of the light. And, the accuser and slanderer will be anointed over the children of the darkness.

    The original accuser is Baal who the Israelites worshiped in addition to modern day judaism and will arrive as the man of lawlessness to deceive the world and murder the children of the light.

    You can get more information at this link http://manoflawlessness.net/who-satan

  • wannabe


    Your absolutely corect! Baal is for certain, Your god! Baal being the god of this World, satan the devil! {2 Corinthians 4:3,4} You left yourself wide open for that one, didn't you Shamus? Best keep your gaurd up! Wannabe

  • wannabe


    Maybe you don't fear him now, but take this to the Bank; you're going to: "Hide us from the face of the one seated on the Throne, and from the Lamb; for the great day of thier wrath has come, and who is able to stand." {Revelation 6:12-17} You think, do you, that DAY, is not coming do you? {Luke 21:25-27} Guess again! Wannabe

  • wannabe


    Check these out: "And he seized the dragon the original serpent, who is the devil and satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And hurled him into the lake of fire and sulpher" ... Revelation 20:1-3;7-10} {Matthew 25:41 So much for your anointed one! Yeah! This one is FUNNY! Anointed with fire and sulpher! I'll bet that's going to smart! Wannabe

  • wannabe


    They must have looked something similar, when Jehovah rained fre and sulpher down on the Cities of ancient Sodom and Gomorra! {Genesis 19:24,25,28,29 Looks though, didn't save their bacon then, it got thoroughly fried! Wannabe

  • AllTimeJeff

    Wannabe (as in Wannabe prophet)

    Hi there. Whenever someone would like to do an exegestical smackdown of JW dogma, count me in as an interested observer. The fact that you on a few threads write very indepth essays just to prove that JW's are not correct is cool with me.

    It's not like its that hard, lets be honest.

    For example, some people who aren't caught in a superstitious mindset would probably read the man of lawlessness passage and think literally, "Hey, I wonder if that means a lawless man!"

    But I digress. Paul (supposedly) wrote this close to 2000 years ago if you believe that. To date, no man of lawlessness has appeared matching the description. Which leaves that scripture open to interpretation. Your interpretation is no different then JW's. Would you like to know how? Because as your responses bear out, you condemn people with the same ease that the Governing Body does.

    So ultimately, your conclusion for whatever exegesis you delve into is that Jesus will destroy people who don't believe in him? Ok. Count me out.

    I am used to having people think I am dead. JW's, many fundamentalist Christian religions, Islam, etc, all have me as dead because I don't worship their god.

    So get in line Wannabe. Maybe you condemners can make some small talk and figure out your next strategy to scare the weak minded with a 2000+ year old collection of scrolls into following your god.

    Your desire to expose the GB as false is commendable. The fact that you would replace their dogma with a competing dogma designed to frighten, scare and condemn just like Jehovah's Witnesses do makes you no better then Jehovah's Witnesses in my opinion, and waters down whatever value your exegesis might have.

  • frankiespeakin


    Maybe you don't fear him now, but take this to the Bank; you're going to: "Hide us from the face of the one seated on the Throne, and from the Lamb; for the great day of thier wrath has come, and who is able to stand." {Revelation 6:12-17} You think, do you, that DAY, is not coming do you? {Luke 21:25-27} Guess again! Wannabe

    Tired O Jehovah ain't gonna bring no great day of wrath. Stop scaring yourself with such bull shit. He ain't never done nothing and he never will because he's an imaginary boogie man/good guy.

    It's time to grow up, there ain't no santa clause, no tooth fairy, no goblins hiding under your bed. As far as taking anything you say or any scripture you quote and taking it to the bank? Well that and a $1.55 will buy you a cup of coffee, but there ain't no teller in a bank gonna give you and deposit value for it.

  • shamus100

    Now that's well done. I'm talking about your brain.

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