watchtower site on Facebook, ,,is this stuff for real ?

by lancelink 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Snoozy

    So is going there and acting like you are a JW the same as going to the Kingdom Hall and acting like you are a JW?

    I heard they got wise and deleted a have to be good or they will delete

  • MadameSweden

    That seems like a wonderful encouraging theocratic FB group.

  • MadameSweden

    Where does that funny red avatar under my name come from? I didn't put it there.

  • Blue Grass
    Blue Grass

    This paticualry Watchtower facebook page was started by members of JWN, so I wouldn't imagine pretty much the majority of post on there are fake.

  • leec

    You know, this demonstrates a very excellent way for people so motivated to infiltrate and erode the org from within. As shown, it's not very difficult to say something obivously idiotic without going outside established teachings at all.

    To be effective though, participants would have to be able to manage to make statements like these emphatically while keeping a straight face at all times ... not an easy skill.

  • Quillsky

    Loooove this recipe for Jehovah's Free Tomato Soup at McDonalds!!!

    If you go into Mcdonalds on your next coffee break, you can buy a cup for 25 cents. My husband grumbles about this and insists on bringing his own cup from home. Then my husband or I go into the bathroom and turn on the water until its nice and hot and fill the cup up. Then we take a ketchup package out of our pockets (usually we get extra from a kindly sister in our hall who also washes out bread bags and egg cartons for us, more about that next time) Anyways I digress. The ketchup package mixed with some salt and pepper from the condiment stand and hot water! Ta da! Instant Tomato soup, a nourishing and frugal way to enjoy the coffee break while saving more of our money to pioneer and put in the contribution box for where the need is great! Sometimes, if we are really lucky someone will leave a creamer on the table and we can make cream of tomato soup!

  • rebel8

    Tears are coming out of my eyes laughing!!

    *a bit miffed someone is using my undercover name, Beth Shan!*

  • dig692

    what a great read! seriously had me going for a bit too! no way could these be real jw's! hahaha.

    great work sac!

  • TardNFeatheredJW

    I take pride in my work.

  • observador

    I love this one:

    "I know from personal experience that waiters and waitresses really appreciate when I leave literature instead of cash for a tip. Its the spiritual food that can feed their children."

    ha ha ha ha

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