Witnesses HAVE To Be Affected By The Organization's Micro Managing, Don'tcha Think?

by minimus 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    It seems like you can't take a sh*t without the Society telling you how to!!!

    I'm sooooo glad I'm out!

  • flipper

    I feel that deep down some witnesses think about it- especially young witnesses in their 20's and early 30's who tend to do their own thing IN SPITE of the micro-managing. But middle aged and older JW's go along with the micro-managing due to being duped by mind control.

    And you are right- it DOES affect ALL of them whether they admit it or not - they are under " cult mind control" and not really in control of their own lives. It's really scary

  • minimus

    You can't tape a talk without scrutiny. You can't have a baby without talking to the liason committee. You can't have your unbelieving 20 year old living at home and still be an elder.....The list is endless!

  • WTWizard

    Everything you do is supposed to be what they tell you to. You go out in field circus as and when they tell you--with whatever equipment they tell you to have. Your home has what they tell you to have, nothing else (and don't even think of ordering something from L.L.Beans when they specifically tell you to go to Crap Mart). This is the kind of treatment that is appropriate for animals--aside the part of discarding them when they are used up.

  • journey-on

    I'm really beginning to think that tolerance of the government's organization's micro management of the lives of its citizens members is directly related to one's political philosophical ability to handle and accept an overreaching governmental organizational control of your life from cradle to grave.

    At some point, those with an internal meter that says "enough is enough" will stand up and speak up, or just walk out. Independent thought, insistence on control of one's own life, acceptance of personal responsibility for life's moral, ethical, and life choices runs deep in some personalities and for them, staying in a high control group is too suffocating and repressive. Those are the ones most affected.

    But, then there are those that like to be told how, when, where, why, what, and how much. It makes it so much easier to just relinquish personal responsibility. Let someone else make the choices for you. If they indoctrinate them in the schools Kingdom Halls early enough and inculcate their agenda doctrines with fervor, it makes it easier to brainwash micro manage them. After all, Mother always knows what's best for the collective.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Let's see.....keep up with ever-changing doctrine (new light), put in your weekly requirements of study, meetings & field service (do it exactly how WTS wants), obey every WTS intrusion into your personal choices concerning education, entertainment, family, work, sex life, etc. Don't question anything concerning wacky views on blood, holidays, political & social issues, etc. The few "gray areas" they do claim to give your conscience.....is governed by the conscience of nosey, loud mouths in the cong. that don't think what you are doing is right. The mirco-managing never ends.

    This wacky WTS organization is unreasonable and it looks like people are leaving in droves.

    Think About It

  • Elsewhere

    Questions From Readers: Is it ok for my dog to engage in sexual relations with another dog, even though they are not married?

    Questions From Readers: Is it ok for a virgin sister to use a tampon?

  • minimus

    The Watchtower has said you can't give your dog a blood transfusion. I suppose pooch fornication is a sin too.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Yes, I think so. And here is why. First, they are corrupted, second, they make absolute truth claims that their believers accept and so that causes them to have blind obedience and they are waiting for the "Ideal" time when the "Carrot" is actually in their mouths not just out of reach.

    It's reaching out for the "Carrot" that allows them to accept being micro managed. And so many are frustrated yet allow themselves to be micro managed and affected by it.

    For those who don't know what that "Carrot" actually is, it's the absolute truth claim that you can live forever in / on a paradise earth and the "Ideal Time" is near.


  • villabolo

    Minimus: "You can't have a baby without talking to the liason committee."

    Minimus, that's a new one on me. Could you please provide a reference?

    As for the effects of the micromanaging the details may have been different than in Rutherfords time but as I recall, just getting married was spoken of against by the organization and looked down upon at the congregation level. Would a careful comparison between the Rutherfordian era and the present era not indicate that they were similar in oppression?


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