Evolution and Dragons??

by TastingFreedom 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm glad you knew that but apparently some didn't.

    I think the dragon figure may be a product of the deep unconscious, manifest in art and religious thinking, according to Archetypal psychology.

  • AGuest
    I think the dragon figure may be a product of the deep unconscious, manifest in art and religious thinking, according to Archetypal psychology.

    You're close in your thinking, dear Frankie (peace to you!)... but not accurate. It is a product of our prior existence... and the future of earthling man (who are merely spirit beings... or seraphs... which are dragons... but NOT dinosaurs - oh, c'mon - currently residing in "earthen" vessels, the physical body)... the reality of which is in our very DNA...

    which those who have not actually seen with their own eyes TRY to manifest... in art and religious thinking... but fall pitifully short on.

    But... thankfully, we don't HAVE to lean upon our own understanding (and you don't have to take MY word for it):

    "I counsel you to buy from me... eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see." Revelation 3:18

    I bid you peace.

    A slave of Christ,


  • cyberjesus

    Frankie, Yes good points.

  • frankiespeakin


    Carl Jung the famous psychologist has a lot to say about archetypes and understanding the mind both the conscious and the unconscious(personal and collective). He recognized creative art and mythology are a reveal er of some of the themes in the unconscious, and the universality of it found across the whole species of man through out the world.

    I read parts and some of his books very interesting. I think his success in helping people testifies that he was on the right tract, no doubt deeply embedded in our DNA we have this mythology which which Jung discovered and called the collective unconscious. It can be made conscious but their are dangers and rewards one being "individuation"(good) and inflation of the ego both negative and positive being bad. The Dragon guards the treasure. Anyway find out about Jung you might find it fascinating.



  • frankiespeakin


    One of the dangers one experiences when the unconscious starts to become manifest in the conscious(visions and messages etc..) is inflation of the ego, either negative(ego being devoured by the unconscious) or positive inflation (ego getting inflated by delusions of grander). One needs to be careful about identifying with elements of the unconscious.


  • AGuest
    One needs to be careful about identifying with elements of the unconscious.

    I would absolutely agree, dear Frankie (may you have peace!). Unfortunately, that really is what most of earthling man IS doing: identifying with the elements of the UNconscience. And why? Because, for the most part, earthling man IS unconscious... indeed, ASLEEP... such that they can't see OR hear the reality. And so they put their faith in... give their lives to... and toil for what is NOT real.

    We have been advised, however... and are yet being advised... to WAKE UP... and then STAY AWAKE.

    For some, though, it appears that their sleep is just too deep. Way.

    Again, I bid you peace... and perhaps a very loud "alarm clock."

    A slave of Christ,


    P.S. The answer to your next question is no, not me, but the Holy One of Israel, yes. And no, I won't publish your question. You know what it is and I know what it is... and that is enough.

  • jdhf

    My daughter Rachel thinks dragons really existed. She asked me about it a few months ago and I cannot refute the supposition as nonsense. I have no evidence either way. I do wonder about many creatures from myth and wonder if they once had a basis in fact.. maybe we'll never know. The creatures such as the unicorn, griffin, phoenix, dragon etc, have often had me wondering if they or creatures like them once existed. I am not including mythical Greek creatures, as I do feel that they are the result of very active imaginations...plus, there are none that I like! Anyway...dragons are facinating, but I did think, WHY would God mention the great dragon in the bible as a ferocious creature and have Satan correspond to it, if it was mythical and never existed. Surely the CREATOR would know??!

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have no question at least none that I can think of.

  • JWoods
    I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have no question at least none that I can think of.

    This is because it is embedded in your subconscious mind and only AGuest knows what it is at this time.

    Perhaps it is best to just let it remain there, if you catch my meaning...

  • AGuest
    I'm sorry to disappoint you but I have no question at least none that I can think of.

    It'll come to you...


    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who isn't disappointed, at all... but patient...

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