I'm sure we've done this, but it's been a while.
One of my top favorites, it's on now, Die Hard
by beksbks 25 Replies latest social entertainment
I'm sure we've done this, but it's been a while.
One of my top favorites, it's on now, Die Hard
Indiana Jones
Jackie Chan First Strike
The Jackal
etc. etc.
Kill Bill, Vols I & II
Jacki Chan Project A!! Original Hong Kong version!
Pulp Fiction
The Sound Of Music.
Clint Eastwood The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Stallone, Cliffhanger
Stallone, Cliffhanger
Do you have any idea how fake that movie was? The gear they were using for climbing was complete bullshit. (air-actuated bolting guns???) And the awful accents, running around with no jackets, and all that free-climbing bullshit where you could clearly see the rock he was climbing on was completely different fromt he surrounding rock....
Sorry, that movie is in the top ten worst movies I have ever seen.
Done ranting.
The Sound Of Music.
Ohhhhh the humanity!!!
But Monkey (huh that's kinda cool) the only reason you feel that way about Cliffhanger, is because you have actually done the mountain climbing gig. To us porkrind eating couch potatoes, it was kinda cool. Although I honestly only remember the first few hideous moments when the chick fell.