Hi Jez, Thanks for your well written and interesting account. WELCOME to JWN.
Hello everyone
by Jezebel2 15 Replies latest jw experiences
Black Sheep
Hi Zezebel, welcome to the forum.
My future ex and I went over the rules for not discussing religious things with her and all questions about it are to be directed to her me or her dad. So far it has worked out well.
In my experience, and in the experience of some of the posters here, JW grandparents have no problem with dishonesty when wanting access to children.
Remember, their goal is to 'save' your daughter, whether they admit it, or not. They think they are on a mission from God, and don't you forget it.
Think abou it asked "Jez......did the elders contacting you at work cause you any problems with your employer?"
Yes, both employers thrreatened to fire me even though they both knew it was unwanted on my part but the elders were interfearing with my job and would not listen to my requests to leave me alone. Eventually they stopped before I lost either job.
Thank you again eveyone for the warm welcome.
Hi Jezebel2,
I enjoyed reading your experience, sad that you have had to go through an emotional rollercoaster thuogh. Congrats on doing a PhD, hope it all works out.