it helped seal the deal
To what degree due you think "Internet killed the "Jehovah's Witness" radio star."
by Witness 007 31 Replies latest jw experiences
I had doubts since I was a teenager, but I wasn't ready to face the truth until I hit 30. Information on the internet did its part in confirming my doubts, and then some.
It helped prevented me from joining. For years, I have always had my doubts that this religion was the 'only true religion.' I would also search the Internet for them in years past but I would not delve very deep. I would read some things critical of the organization but I would later dismiss it as some of it could be applied to other religions too.
When I was really concerned about my beliefs and whether or not the WTS really had the truth, I began reading the Bible to see what it said. Of course, the influence of the WT was strong in me so I readily saw there theology in things like "little flock" and other things. I searched online for things like, "Is Jesus Michael the Archangel?" and "Who are the 144,000?." I found other interpretations of the Bible that were helpful, but I still was not sure about things. I came across an atheists site when searching for answers on the trinity, interestingly it had links to Dr. Berman's chronicles of his experiences with the organization. That really opened my eyes on them.
Long story short, I was eventually led to and The comparisons of the witnesses theology against orthodox christianity along with the personal life stories on guaranteed that I would not become a watchtowerite.
The internet prevented me from joining, too.
I was never headed to join. I read Kingdom of the Cults about 20 years ago and other things, knew about Watchtower's dodgy use of the Bible. What the internet did is that when I became a study a few years ago I could easily do some deep research and ask some real questions. I could steer the conversation in different directions and keep hammering at the deep programming I face in the study. No matter who they send to study with me, they are at a disadvantage. I can read their playbook while they can not read mine.
Out at Last!
On the contrary, the Internet is a major setback for apostates and saved the Watchtower Society.
slimboyfat, your theories and conclusions that you wrote 4 years ago in the link you provided was mostly, if not unanimously disagreed with. I am sure if any read it again the results will be the same. Just because you believe it and write it down does not mean it is correct. I think you are 100% wrong with that information, and most on this thread disagree with you AGAIN. With the internet, now a person doesn't have to go out and look for apostates or information on them, it is at everyone's fingertips. The doubting and curious have a far easier time finding this information than they had before. The more the wt tells it's drones not to use the internet, the more they will start looking.
I was out before I had access to the internet. But it helps keeps me out. Love it.
I started having doubts much before the Internet. I would say that September 11th was more damaging to my faith than the Internet.
After that, the Internet helped me dig deeper and confirmed a lot of the things I had only suspected for years.
However, as many of the posters in this thread has confirmed, I believe the Internet has been very helpful in preventing people from joining. This happens because, unlike in the past, now we never buy/commit/employ anyone or anything before typing the words in Google. That's why it is so important that we keep good information on the JW religion out there.
keyser soze
I had already left. It only re-enforced what I already believed. I haven't had any guilt, or second thoughts because of what I've learned here and other places.
For me it was really the Internet, I tried to reason with my dub wife at the time, but she stayed in and eventially I was DF! That was in the early 2000's, now I heard recently that my ex isn't a dub anymore...? I will try to find out from my son as she has full custody.