I have been going thru some very hard times lately. Anger and confusion. I can't see the point in it all. Whenever I vent my aggrivation to people I usually get a "leave it in the hands of God", or "Just pray about it and God will help". I mean has anyone ever really had God help them. I think praying just helps relieve your emotions, and helps you wait out the problem. You could talk to your dog and get the same effect. I really wonder sometimes why humans assume that God is watching, or gives a crap about our problems here on earth. He has probably moved on to a new planet ...one without so much greed. Our prayers are even full of greed. I had religion and God pushed down my throat my whole life, and now that I have left, I never think about God in a good way. Guess I don't care anymore. I just wish people had better advice than to talk to a spirit who has never done crap for me.
Why would he care?
by brainwashed-from-birth 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
you just need to pray more.
I Agree, Six of Nine
You lack faith.
Don't be the prayer, be of the prayer.
Remember, it's always your fault. Never god's.
(tongue in cheek)
Faith????? Believing in something that can not be proven real. Like fairies or Big Foot. Isn't life kind of short for that. That is why I allowed mysef to be dF'd ..What a crock of poo......
I think the fact that I believe in God at all holds be back.
I think the fact that I believe in God at all holds be back.
My pet peeve is people that talk in riddles. That's all the bible is - one big riddle.
Maybe you're praying to the wrong god. Maybe just because of your demographics you believe the christian god rather than worship the true creator, Zeus. I know one thing is for certain: Demographics dictate how narrow minded we all can be.
Now that's useful!
Zeus. HUH? Very believable...... LOL
Give me a break. Glad those drugs are working for you shamus100.
You could talk to your dog and get the same effect. cept your dog really listens,
dont even bother praying to your cat tho, it looks interested but inside its just taking the mick.
nancy drew
glick your heels and say theres no place like home theres no place like home it worked for dorothy
Wish something would work for me.....Anything at this point.....
Its bad when you kind of wish Amegedon would come cuz it would be better than your current situation.
I know we all have our hard times. I just wish I could find a point. I really really do
I prayed for Beer..
I found 2 behind the milk carton this morning..
Coincidence or Devine Intervetion?..
..................... ...OUTLAW