Just felt a tremor

by leec 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • leec

    Sitting here catching up on why the Haitians deserved to suffer when I tremor jolted the house. Funny how I can kind of tell the direction they come from / go to by which side of the house creaks first/last. Checking Google live results feed I see I was not the only one who felt it, though I don't see it yet on the quakes sites I occassionally check.

    ... Hey, if you can have snow threads, I can have a quake thread. That's about as close to weather as we get here in socal. ;)

  • leec

    Ack .. if a mod could move this to "friends" or somewhere appropriate like that, I'd appreciate it. :)

  • nelly136

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/7921643.stm the last one a few miles from here, barely a ripple.

  • leec

    I remember when the 2007 quake there was in the news, and the pictures of damage. I don't think I'd ever heard of seismic activity in England before that in my life.

    Since I moved here (southern California) in 2001 I've only felt maybe half a dozen of them. Never more than a jolt, like someone jumping up and down on the floor. Once though, I could swear I heard what I guessed was the sound of the wave zooming along the telephone/electrical wires outside ... kind of like a "zing" crossed with the sound sound of a bullet ricochet from an old Western.

  • nelly136

    http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Sky-News-Archive/Article/20080641263233 i'm not sure how long theyve actually been able to record

    or bothered to record earthquake activity without goin on a search, but skys done a little hisotry bit on uk earthquakes.

    did you move there from over here?

  • leec

    That's very interesting ... somehow those pretty sizeable miniquakes over the last few decades escaped my notice.

    And no, I moved from the other coast here ... New Jersey. I've always heard NYC is ripe for a large quake some day, but NJ ground doesn't move around much, as far as I can remember. Hurricanes and blizzards are more the thing there.

  • AudeSapere

    I didn't feel anything here in Ventura County.


  • SirNose586

    Hey! I did too, in the afternoon!

  • leec

    It was centered in Baja, so I guess only we in extreme southern Cali felt the zing: http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/Maps/117-33.html

  • beksbks

    Please, I'm terrified after Haiti. I'm in NoCal. Both of my kids are in Oakland.

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