The Wisdom of No Escape and the Path of Loving Kindness- No need for religion in spirituality

by OnTheWayOut 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    We're reading "The Wisdom of No Escape", in my meditation group. "The Places That Scare You" is also very good. It's all about confronting our deepest fears and the core beliefs which fuel them, with awareness and insight.

    I agree that Buddhism can and has been turned into a religion with its dogmatic factions just like any other religion. One of my favorite teachings is to beware of all the "isms".

    There is a saying, I don't know who first wrote it, but it talks about the difference between preaching your beliefs and living them. I think it was written by someone who got very excited to spread the message of their newly found buddhist beliefs to their western family. It goes: "When I am a buddhist, everyone is upset with me, but when I am a buddha, nobody seems to mind."

    If we become the living manifestation of awareness in how we conduct all our daily activities, then it will be self-evident and there is no reason for us to lose the essence of the experience by opening our mouths and preaching to anyone.

  • designs


    A dear friend recommended A New Earth, I'll have to get a copy. I'm still contemplating on one of Joseph Campbell's work's. The discovery that 'it' has always been within is a great Aha moment. Jesus talking about the kingdom of God is within us comes from an earlier time of great learning and advancement within Judiaism after they had a collective Aha moment.

  • Heaven
    If we become the living manifestation of awareness in how we conduct all our daily activities, then it will be self-evident and there is no reason for us to lose the essence of the experience by opening our mouths and preaching to anyone.

    cognizant dissident ... this is very well said.

  • awildflower

    I am so repelled by religion that even the Tao that requires nothing of me often disturbs me. So many authors today call themselves Master Taoists or Grand Yogi or whatever. That smacks of organized religion and telling me how to "follow." These same ones tell me to kill the Buddha, but then tell me how to make them the Buddha. Just like WTS, they are mainly "selling literature." Buy it if it helps, but remember that and follow your own path.

    Exactly! That's why the Tao says "once you've NAMED it you've lost it". I feel the same way. The Tao is a wonderful, enlightened writing just like many, many other enlightened writings out there, including IMHO, Jesus words. But when people make a religion out of them, the enlightenment gets lost and ruined. The ego has a chance to take over and run amuck. But making suggestions for reads and understanding is not the same to me as making a religion out of something. We have to pass on information with our language. Now if these "writings" become a "belief system" for us, then we aren't getting it. And if an author says "follow me" then you know they're not really living "it".

    AWF, I started reading Dr. Dyer about 3 years ago and a close friend of mine told me to stop reading it because it was going to take me out of the "the truth". Guess he was right.

    Your friend was right, "It" WILL take people away from ANY organized structure because when we realize who we are, we realize we don't need those things. You have everything you've ever needed right inside of you.

    A dear friend recommended A New Earth, I'll have to get a copy. I'm still contemplating on one of Joseph Campbell's work's. The discovery that 'it' has always been within is a great Aha moment. Jesus talking about the kingdom of God is within us comes from an earlier time of great learning and advancement within Judiaism after they had a collective Aha moment.

    A New Earth literally changed my life, not because I found a new way to believe, but because it repeated back to me what I already knew but couldn't put into words. I had been "awakening" (and that word is just a title) for a couple months before that, and this book put all the pieces together for me. Highly recommended. And I've realized as of late, that what Jesus was saying about the "Kingdom of God being within you" was just a different language for what the Tao teaches. And IMO, everything that Jesus did, was just a way of showing us that we could do the same things too once we realized we could, including heal the sick, bring the dead back to life, perform miraculous things. We already have the power to do it, it's who we are, and I think there is a definite shift taking place, where these types of things are being recognized and we will see these things happen, IMHO.

  • designs


    Its a great journey. Ten years ago our family spent part of the summer in Spain and one of our family is a devout Catholic so we went to many of the Cathedrals in the towns we visited. Seeing all of the statues of Jesus ( a very European looking fellow) made me realize how culturally biased and ignorant we all are about this figure. I, we, didn't really have a clue about this Jewish man, who he was or what his internal mechanism was.

    So much more to the story, and so much more to the universalness of the golden rule than I had ever imagined before. 'Within' who knew!

  • OnTheWayOut

    My word, Pema Chodron is on Youtube. Why was I surprised?

  • Heaven

    You have everything you've ever needed right inside of you.

    'Within' who knew!

    Anyone raised as a JW is taught NOT to trust their inner voice; their own conscience. We are told it will betray you and that Satan uses it against you. It is how they keep people indoctrinated and afraid of leaving. But once you discover that all the power you ever need is inside of you, you realize that YOU are where you will go. And you were there all the time. I think this is sometimes referred to as 'coming home' and part of 'the circle of life'.

  • Heaven

    OTWO, thanks for posting Pema's video. She's spot on. I particularly noticed this type of thinking in my Mom once I had grown up and moved out. Everything, especially the whole world, was always so bad when we visited her. Pema is also right on about those frickin' mosquitoes!

    Heaven of the Mosquitoes-Suck-Because-They-Love-Me Class. (pun definitely intended here! )

  • OnTheWayOut

    As one who does not believe in "the Almighty," I recognize that we all live within the ebb and flow of the universe and particularly the yin and yang of natural and unnatural forces on planet Earth. There is a connection between all of us through cause and effect, if not more. I can believe in kharma even if not in supernatural forces. Good people look for goodness and goodness finds them. Bad happens to them too, but the best do their best with it.

    While I feel that there is not an ultimate purpose for life, that doesn't mean that each person cannot find their own ultimate purpose. Spirituality includes reflecting on one's life and growing from that reflection, learning how to show more love and kindness, how to improve oneself and the world we live in.

    Often, the hunters make the best animal lovers. They recognize the importance of an unpolluted environment in the great outdoors. They see that there are too many deer and thinning the herd actually strengthens them. Sometimes, the soldier is most aware of how important peace is and how to best achieve it. These are not political statements as they are not always or even nearly always the case. It's just that, sometimes just as the person who seems most concerned about his issues doesn't have a clue about the complete picture, sometimes the most spiritually-minded people are those that seem the least likely. It may just be the scientists who examine the past, the blood, the space, and nature that turn out to be most in tune with the world in which we live.

  • awildflower

    Well said OTWO

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