2010 the wheels are falling off the global warming "band wagon".....baaa ha ha! So funny, "it was warmer in Medieval times 800-1600..." damn right! Global warming is a money grabbing hoax that will destroy the poor and mega tax the rich.
No global warming for 15 years, a key scientist admitted
by MegaDude 47 Replies latest jw friends
Black Sheep
I didn't leave the Church of Jehovah so that I could join the Church of Global Warning.
Globular Warming is supposed to have been turning my piece of the planet into a tropical paradise, but frosts have been preventing my guavas and bananas from having any chance of fruiting for several years now.
The supporters of Globular Warmings that used to preach around here are very quiet and I am slowly coming to the conclusion that drinking the local fine ales without the added spice of Globular Warning Doctrine numbing your ears is going to become the norm rather than the exception.
I am very pleased that I did not invest great amounts of my time, plus my reputation, in the GodAwful Warming Cult.
jdhf, thanks for the post about the science behind global warming. Very interesting.
I can understand people doubting if global warming is man-made or partially man-made. I can get my head around that.
I don't understand people doubting if global warming is real. And I really, really don't understand people who are 100% SURE that global warming is not real, or 100% SURE that man is not contributing to it. It blows my mind. Do they think Stephen Hawking is a dumbass? A liar? A fool? Doesn't understand good science? Is being paid off by Al Gore? Really?
I thought this article in Forbes was interesting: http://www.forbes.com/2009/12/19/climategate-copenhagen-science-opinions-contributors-s-robert-lichter.html We have to take the scientific information we have and make the best decisions we can for our children and our children's children...
"Scientific debate is open-ended, but at some point decision-makers must decide--and take responsibility for their decisions."
To the self rigteous imbecilic Global Warming
Deniers who think they know everything.
As usual, this is a gross misquoting of what Phil Jones, the ex-director of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit. Furthermore, aside from the misquoting a lack of basic knowledge on the subject of Global Warming reinforces a misleading idea of what he said even when taken in proper context. You'll find an article below that explains the situation and that article links directly to the BBC program where Phil Jones was interviewed. There you'll find his exact words.
It should be noted that the last 12 years since 1998 have contained 9-10 of the warmest years since records were kept in the late 19th Century. This does not contradict the statement the professor made about 1995 being a period where land based Global Warming has more or less been level (not cooling off as other deniers claim). Being level for the past 10 years only reinforces the fact of Global Warming since those 10 years merely repeat record breaking events.
This does not imply that Global Warming has stopped since no account is being taken of the Oceans or especially the Arctic Ice Cap which satellite pictures have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt are not only shrinking but accelerating in their shrinkage and thinning (since 1979). When it shrinks to the point that there will be mostly open water, Global Warming will get a boost and irrespective of temperature changes, weather patterns will change throughout the Northern Hemisphere with potentially devastating effects on crops and populations.
So to those who are sincerely interested in the subject, enjoy. To the rest of the mind f*ckable vagina brains who have Exxon Mobile's propaganda cock in their heads, you could simply die in your ignorance. Oh, and start preparing your excuses for the next 10 years of summers and winters as Nature's reality keeps contradicting your psychotic, brainwashed view of things. You will be in denial to the end.
Tuesday, 16 February, 2010
Did Phil Jones really say global warming ended in 1995?
A headline in the Daily Mail has spread like wildfire, claiming that Phil Jones, ex-director of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, said "there has been no global warming since 1995". Not only did Phil Jones not say these words, this interpretation shows a poor understanding of the scientific concepts behind his words. To fully understand what Phil Jones was saying, one needs to read his actual words and understand the science discussed. Here is the relevant excerpt from the BBC interview:
BBC: Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming
Phil Jones: Yes, but only just. I also calculated the trend for the period 1995 to 2009. This trend (0.12C per decade) is positive, but not significant at the 95% significance level. The positive trend is quite close to the significance level. Achieving statistical significance in scientific terms is much more likely for longer periods, and much less likely for shorter periods.
BBC: How confident are you that warming has taken place and that humans are mainly responsible?
Phil Jones: I'm 100% confident that the climate has warmed. As to the second question, I would go along with IPCC Chapter 9 - there's evidence that most of the warming since the 1950s is due to human activity.Phil Jones is saying there is a warming trend but it's not statistically significant. He's not talking about whether warming is actually happening. He's discussing our ability to detect that warming trend in a noisy signal over a short period. To demonstrate this, look at the HadCRUT temperature record from 1995 to 2009. The linear trend is that of warming. However, the temperature record is very noisy with lots of short term variability. The noisy signal means that over a short period, the uncertainty of the warming trend is almost as large as the actual trend. Hence it's considered statistically insignificant. Over longer time periods, the uncertainty is less and the trend is more statistically significant.
Figure 1: HadCRUT global temperature change in degrees Celsius. Blue is yearly average. Red is linear trend (HadCRUT).It bears remembering that the HadCRUT record only covers around 80% of the globe. Analysis by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and NASA GISS (Hansen 2006) find that the areas omitted by HadCRUT are some of the fastest warming regions in the world. Consequently, the HadCRUT record underestimates the warming trend, as demonstrated by the NASA GISS record which covers the whole globe:
Figure 2: NASA GISS Global temperature change in degrees Celsius. Blue is yearly average. Red is linear trend (NASA GISS).However, even this doesn't give you the full picture. Surface temperature is only a small fraction of our climate with most of global warming going into the oceans. When all the heat accumulating in the oceans, warming the land and atmosphere and melting ice is tallied up, we see that global warming is still happening.
Figure 3: Change in total Earth heat content from 1950 (Murphy 2009) -
That's the point. Carbon/nitrous oxide loading of the atmosphere is a localized concern based on topography. I grew up in the So. Cal. LA/Valley bowl where inversion weather patterns could turn the basin into a big gas chamber of smog. This is not Global F'ing Warming.
You're confusing carbon monoxide with carbon dioxide.
Leavingwt: The language of persuasion.
Leavingwt, you don't dance with Psychopaths nor reason with Psychotics. I am not trying to persuade the deniers on this board, or anywhere else, who themselves make "persuasive" arguments painting this issue as some "Socialist" agenda and who have proven themselves incapable of rational point by point conversation.
I am directing the other statements I made as well as the article I submitted for those who have a serious interest in the subject. The rest of them who are damning everyone and what remains of their lineage to a terrestrial Gehenna are worthy of far more than contemptous talk.
To the self rigteous imbecilic Global Warming Deniers who think they know everything.
I'm not a denier, I am a skeptic. And let me add, all the ridiculous errors and omissions your side has included to make its case is as pitiful as it is hilarious. It has only served to make me more skeptical regarding the claims of the warmists. And I am not alone, public opinion has been moving strongly against Warmist claims since the lies, deception, and stupidity in the movement has been exposed.
So to those who are sincerely interested in the subject, enjoy. To the rest of the mind f*ckable vagina brains who have Exxon Mobile's propaganda cock in their heads, you could simply die in your ignorance. Oh, and start preparing your excuses for the next 10 years of summers and winters as Nature's reality keeps contradicting your psychotic, brainwashed view of things. You will be in denial to the end.
The language of desperation. The only thing we are going to be doing for the next 10 years is figuring our how to reform the peer review system so that you religionists can't game it anymore.
Oh, and we'll be having a lot of laughter and jokes at your expense, too.
damning everyone and what remains of their lineage to a terrestrial Gehenna
Yeah, that's not very nice. Worse than salty langauge.
Did you see this BBC article? 'Skepticism' is on the rise.
hey villa.....my mrs acts like that when her cult gets exposed too.....he he
So to those who are sincerely interested in the subject, enjoy. To the rest of the mind f*ckable vagina brains who have Exxon Mobile's propaganda cock in their heads, you could simply die in your ignorance. Oh, and start preparing your excuses for the next 10 years of summers and winters as Nature's reality keeps contradicting your psychotic, brainwashed view of things. You will be in denial to the end.
As I have already mentioned, experience has already shown how incapable of meaningful discourse deniers are.
For example, please note that all of the comments made to me after posting a serious article (portraying the actual thoughts of the scientist who was quoted out of context) have not bothered to deal with the facts stated therein. It does not matter that I would change my tactics and become like Besty who never ridicules anyone. You hypocrites have done the same to him, ignoring his facts by not responding to the facts he presents, as well as ridiculing him. You did the same with Kudra who got exasperated like Besty and stopped posting here on Man Made Global Warming because deniers would repeat the same thing time after time on different threads even though she had carefully explained herself to him/her/them the previous day-as if they were suffering from amnesia, more likely Orwellian Doublethink and bad faith. By the way, she's a professional going to school on a subject related to Global Warming.
I started out by, at first, by not responding to the ridicule and absurdities that many on this board flung at me. But why should I put up with it? I still post serious matters but I return the ridicule of Deniers who have repeatedly failed to address the issues I've brought up. Bottom line you have earned your ridicule and, depending on your age, will reap the mere beginnings of what multiple generations of your kind have done throughout the past centuries.
I'm still waiting for a response from someone who is sincere. Good riddance to the rest of you.
villabolo: Still smiling at everyone but for different reasons.