What's your personality type? Myers-Briggs test

by frankiespeakin 190 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I always get the same result...INTJ.


  • DJS

    Warehouse, your'e onto something. Remember the Star Trek Generation episode where they captured the young Borg, named him Hugh and re-programmed him to send back into the hive? Let's do it!!! Ok, who voluteers?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Sorry DJS, I'm gonna be a little too busy for the next 30 years or so.

    There's television to watch, there's chips to eat, there's beer to drink. I just don't have the time to be sent back to the bOrg.


  • done4good


  • DJS

    Billy, funny stuff. I volunteered Viv for the task!! Strange that I haven't heard from her. And yes, it appears the NTs have it!! The Borg can't deal with us. NTs are Rationals, and sooner or later we will wake up and leave the hive and the collective for good!!!


    Someone said their profile was FUBAR! LOL!!!! I found these quotes. They are so true.

    1. Statements you can't back up with either solid facts or solid reasoning will at best be ignored and at worst poked fun at in ways not many people would describe as nice.
    2. Try to be both concise and precise. Using 81 woolly words where 18 sharp ones would suffice will not endear you to them.
    3. They do love wordplay though: if you can re-package your 81 woolly words in a witty, unexpected, esoteric fashion, they'll appreciate that.
    4. Don't expect an INTJ to respect anything you (or some other authorities) say just because you (or some other authorities) say it. INTJs bow to one authority only: rationality.
    5. For an INTJ truth is more important than simply being right, so they will readily admit errors or mistakes (once they have been convinced something they said or did was indeed wrong — to convince them may not be easy though). INTJs unfortunately expect others to work likewise (and react bewildered if they don't).

    Wooly words that are full of inaccuracy.... No wonder meetings and Conventions are so emetic.


  • millie210

    Hi DataDog,

    I am an INTJ also and your #5 as listed above gets me in to trouble on a regular basis.

    Unless I just shut up altogether, which at reading here every day for 3 years and having a low post count, would indicate is ALSO part of my profile


    Here is a thought. If there is an all knowing and all loving "Biblical" creator and humans are created in His/Her/??? likeness, then why would INTJs be destroyed for doubting the "Authority" of self-appointed prognosticators who base their "authority" on a collection of vague and contradictory scrolls that were collected by a fallible council of "false religious" gurus?

    So the very same Creator that gave us the ability to see through subterfuge is going to execute us for all eternity because we refuse to believe propoganda or dogma? That would not be loving or wise. So if there is a "Biblical" creator of humanity, He/She/?? has either been grossly misrepresented by organized religions, or is not worth "worshipping."


  • millie210

    DataDog, just bouncing off your questions above...

    if this is a man made org. what personality type was Russell?


    I could go on and on but what personality types were the main ones who molded and shaped this religion?

    For that matter, what would the GB members test out as?

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