What's your personality type? Myers-Briggs test

by frankiespeakin 190 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lisavegas420

    Some interesting facts about INTJ's.

    When it comes to their own areas of expertise -- and INTJs can have several -- they will be able to tell you almost immediately whether or not they can help you, and if so, how. INTJs know what they know, and perhaps still more importantly, they know what they don't know.

    INTJs are known as the "Systems Builders" of the types, perhaps in part because they possess the unusual trait combination of imagination and reliability.

    INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship).

    Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense.



  • lisavegas420

    INTJ...<---that me.

    Last night I got my granddaughter, never been in a KH in her life. Knows nothing about JW's except that I was raised one, and one entire side of her family doesn't know her because of the religion.

    Anyway, here are her results.


    ENFPs are initiators of change, keenly perceptive of possibilities. They energize and stimulate others through their contagious enthusiasm. They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new-found interests. ENFPs are able to anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and a zany sense of fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in situations that are fluid and changing, and that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations. They are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow-up or attention to detail.

    I wonder if she is so different because of not being raised as a JW?


  • MadGiant
    Your Type is
    Strength of the preferences %
  • mindmelda

    I'm ENFP...one of the rarer types. Rationals, NT and Idealists, NFs are a bit rarer.

    I've had my whole family typed by a psychologist...but they're pretty much what I guessed they were.

    Me-ENFP-I'm always tilting at windmills, that's probably the best way to describe the "advocate" or the "champion"personality I'm blessed/cursed with. ENFPs are generally considered either idealistic nutbars or insanely entertaining by most other people. I'm a little of both. My kids call me "Robin Williams with boobies". As a child, my parents were horrified when I'd get up on the table and tell jokes and sing to guests. I have a Traditional mother (ISTJ) who makes Martha Stewart look like a piker at homemaking and an Experiencer father who just plays golf constantly now that he's retired and that's pretty much his religion.

    They used to ask me a lot if I wasn't adopted. LOL Seriously, I was so different from the rest of my family, (I have one Experiencer brother ISFP, just like my dad is) my dad would turn to my mom and ask her, "Do you remember where we got her...are you sure we brought home the right kid from the hospital, it was pretty busy that day?" Kind of a running family gag.

    Yes, my mother and I are total opposites...which probably caused her no end of frustration. She still doesn't get me, and probably never will. We spend a lot of time talking about knitting and cake decorating, the few hobbies we have in common so we don't get into arguments over dirt.

    My ambition is to be a writer who actually gets paid for writing, but I'm going back to college soon to finally finish a psych degree and maybe nursing. Probably both. I vant to help ze people on ze couch vit zer problems and tings.

    Hubby-ISTP-yes, opposites attract, but that common "Perceiving" keeps us pretty mellow. We don't disagree too much. The "mechanic" type, my husband could fix the space shuttle if they'd let him study it a while. He's a natural engineer. A master plumber by training. He's working as an all purpose fix it man for a big rental company at the moment and loves fixing crap all day. Sounds like purgatory to me, but he loves it. *shrugs*

    Oldest daughter who is 20. INTJ- LOL...she says she's the Spock to my Captain Kirk...(those fictional characters represent those two personality types pretty well) She's a very talented comic book artist who worries about the universe a lot (she draws dark angsty vampire goth stuff, not happy silly cartoons...she thinks Batman is just too damn cheerful). She has perfected the "roll your eyes at mom" thing after 20 years of practice. I remember when she was a year old, I had the distinct thought...boy this kid is nothing like me. And I thought it was great. Also interested in forensic science. I detect a "queen of the undead" theme here.

    Son, who is an Aspie, by the way, so I don't know how that affects type if at all, who is 17- INTP...a total inventive dreamer, artist, computer geek. If he could build an android and marry it...he'd be happy as a pig in mud. Loves technology more than anything. Also has a very weird sense of humor and does a thousand voices...he can imitate nearly anyone he hears. We beg him. "Now do Arnold in "theTerminator"" and he does it perfectly. Actually, my daughter draws cartoons, they get together on the story boards, he animates them and does the voices...we may have a little Disney studios thing going here in a few years.

    Youngest daughter, 14, is ISFJ, poor child. She probably feels like she's in a nuthouse, being the only Traditional. She and her dad just ignore us insane intuitives and go fishing a lot...LOL She's a natural with animals, and has trained our dogs to form a pyramid and recite Shakespeare...LOL well...pretty close. She's The Dog Whisperer Jr. Wants to be a vet tech...I think she'll be great at it.

  • llbh

    I am ENFJ, and have done this test three or four times, same result.

    What might be interesting is to see if our personality type changes as we move away from our previous incarnations as JWs, I suspect not, though we the percentage of each might differ.


  • tec

    First time I've ever done one of these tests. I am INFJ.

    Introverted - 44

    Intuitive - 50

    Feeling - 25

    Judging - 22

    Edited to add:

    I did the test again because of a couple questions I would have answered differently, and I got ISFJ. When I read the descriptions, I read some of me in the INFJ, but more of me in the ISFJ.

    What is getting a different answer supposed to mean?


  • mindmelda

    I'm not surprised so many of you are "N" intuitive. N people love the internet more than S types, even though there are less of us. *G*

  • horrible life
  • tenyearsafter

    ENTJ, The Fieldmarshall...according to the analysis, this type is less than 2% of the population...I FEEL SPECIAL!!

  • mindmelda

    Yes, the "N" trait found most strongly in Rationals and Idealists is rarer, only about a quarter to a third of the population has it, depending on where you live.

    I always say you know if you're a "N"if you're talking to 4 people about a topic and only one of them can understand right away what the hell you're talking about. LOL And that's if you're having a lucky day.

    It's just a slightly different way of thinking and organizing your thoughts...from general to specific. The majority go from something specific to the general...and step by step.

    Intuitives seem to understand big concepts fairly quickly, and break them down for analysis and see the details later. Sensors tend to grasp the details and parts of the whole first and work step by step up to the concept behind the parts.

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