I was sitting in the back of the hall on Sunday morning
and about 30 minutes into the Watchtower study two
brothers get up to take a head count. It was the funniest
thing, this is a ritual at every meeting. There are about
85 in attendance. One brother stands on one side of the
Hall and counts and the other brother stands on the other
side of the Hall and he counts. I swear, that they must
have spent 6 to 10 minutes counting. How long does it
take to count to 85? Then they leave the auditorium and
go and compare notes to see had the highest count which
was another 5 minutes. This is kinda like the pioneer shuffle
just killing time. Then they walk back into the auditorium---another
job well done. One of the many theocratic privileges that are
available to God's people.
Sour Grapes