Do I have to love God to get into the good place? Let's assume I believe and follow all of the rules out of obligation and not love, is that enough?
Question for Christians
by FreudianSlip 18 Replies latest jw friends
Good question. Here's another: What if I love God with all my heart and I'm not a Christian, will I be damned to hell?
(Matthew 22:36-39) 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’
(Mark 12:28-31) 28 Now one of the scribes that had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first of all?” 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
I found out that as I get older there is some kind of feeling I had that God accepts all kinds of people.
But having been a Catholic for my first 17 years, and esp. since my Mom died 1 1/2 years ago there are certain beliefs that just resurface
I feel that God understands me and I have no hidden aspects in my life.
The witness era for me (1977 - 2006) became a time when God was concrete in any thought. I became somewhat of a know it all and everything was black or white.
Slowly I see that God is not a damming person, and looking for him is a journey.
So time will answer all your questions, just go with it and dont fight it.
is there help out there
I know God loves me, so it is only fair to love him back.
Duh, thanks.
Is there more-
If there is a god, I don't know that he loves me. Also, just because someone loves me, doesn't mean I should love them.
I respect your search and journey, first off.
I notice, and it strikes me as funny in a non laughing way, that when former JW's get confused about god, they come here and ask... us.
FS, I personally think that other then helping you to think, no one here can help you to know if god loves you. I say that only because ultimately, you would be taking someone else's word for it.
It would be much better, assuming god exists, that he communicate to you in a way that you understand.
You are free to make the choices you feel you should make. Your god and choice of how to worship, to express love and faith, or not, is something that ultimately, you must answer.
Btw, and I feel really stupid, this is for Christians, which I am not. Sorry about that. I hope you don't mind my expression. :)
Do I have to love God to get into the good place?
Absolutely, dear Freudian (and may you have peace!), which you MANIFEST by loving your brother (whom you have seen, although you have not seen God), your neighbor, strangers, AND your enemies... in order to be perfect (which gets you "in")... just as God is perfect. By doing this, you indicate, by implication, that you love Christ… even if you do not belong to him. Because to the extent you do good to the least one of Christ’s brothers… you do such good to him… and thereby, to God.
Let's assume I believe and follow all of the rules out of obligation and not love, is that enough?
No. You would be following in the footsteps of the scribes and Pharisees. Those thought that by adhering to the Law Covenant, they would gain law. But it is not the fulfillment of the [Old] Law Covenant that puts you in line for salvation (or getting "into the good place") – it is adherence to and fulfillment of the NEW [Law] Covenant… which Law is… love. From the lowest form (love of those who love you) to the highest form (love of those who do not love you, indeed who may even hate you). To the supreme form… love of God… which starts with the love of Christ.
What if I love God with all my heart and I'm not a Christian, will I be damned to hell?
No, dear Poppers (and may you also have peace!). When the people of the nations do BY NATURE the things of the Law… including the things of the NEW Law, which is fulfilled in love… they ARE a law… unto themselves.
To explain, there is the example of Rahab, a prostitute and therefore, a “transgressor,” who put herself… and her entire household… in line for salvation when Jericho fell. How? By means of her FAITH. Although she wasn’t an Israelite… and so did not worship the God of Israel… she “did good” to Christ’s brothers… the Israelites who came to her for help. She agreed to hide them from their enemies so that they were not found and killed. Her faith was not demonstrated in hiding them alone; it was in her BELIEF that if she did hide them… no matter what happened to Jericho, she and her household would be kept from harm. She BELIEVED that what she ASKED for… that if she hid the Israelites she and her household would be kept from harm... WOULD occur. She believed this SO much, that she willingly risked her own life… and perhaps that of her household.
Thus, the “sheep” (i.e., those who do good to even the least one of Christ’s brothers… and so would also include any TRUE Jew… and I say true because not all who profess to BE Israel… ARE Israel) are also given “white robes” (i.e., spirit bodies) and granted entry into the kingdom. They are, in fact, the SUBJECTS of God’s kingdom.
Slowly I see that God is not a damming person
Praise JAH that you DO see this, dear lancelink (and I also bid you peace!)
Indeed, this is one of the reasons that my Lord said, when he existed in the flesh, that he came… to bear witness to the TRUTH! So many believe the Most Holy One of Israel to be nothing more than a war monger, vengeful, hateful, quick to anger, and ready to mete out punishment. Nothing could be FARTHER from the truth! That particular “god” is the one created by Israel in order to terrify and hold sway over their enemies.
The Most Holy One of Israel, however, whose name is JAH of Armies and who is the TRUE God… is merciful, SLOW to anger, and abundant in loving kindness. He is FORGIVING… of Israel AND of His enemies. How do we KNOW? By knowing Christ, the Holy One of Israel, and His Son and Christ. If you see HIM… you SEE God. For everything HE did and said, HE received… from the Father.
I hope this helps you all and, again, I bid you all peace!
A slave of Christ, whom I love… and thus, a slave of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, whom I also love,
If there is a god, I don't know that he loves me
.True, assumption of God's love is based on believing texts or oral histories that attribute Godly love to individuals.
Also, just because someone loves me, doesn't mean I should love them.
Thus is why it is a choice.