2 pages of nothing..
Why bother with a thread if you have Nothing to say..
How many more pages about Nothing will this thread go?..
..................... ...OUTLAW
by EndofMysteries 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
2 pages of nothing..
Why bother with a thread if you have Nothing to say..
How many more pages about Nothing will this thread go?..
..................... ...OUTLAW
Ah man! I missed some fun today I see. Damn job.....
My fear at the moment is that this is one of the only solid bright truths which are undisputable that I've got,
Thats what I'm afraid of too...
It's so undisputable, once the truth of it is revealed, that it DESTROYS the entire revelation book climax at hand, and almost all last days interpretations. Since they are all separate individual interpretations.
You mean, the Revelation Climaxed book has yet to be proven wrong, and we were waiting... for you? "Almost" all of the interpretations are wrong? Which one did they get right?
Oh well. EOM, you do know that you aren't the only one who tries to intepret Rev... *sigh* Go ahead, maybe its better then torturing kittens for you. Sounds like a nice hobby....
Since we sin due to imperfection, God if you have faith will overlook your IMPERFECTION, if you GO BEYOND sinning because you think you have a free ticket, then your ABUSING it. He will read your heart for why you do what you do.
Oh, uh, didn't know this. Will try to stop abusing myself by going beyond the Revelation Climaxed book. (there was nearly a joke in there somewhere...)
3. I do NOT want to be known, I'm not giving out my name, etc.
That's OK; I'll do it.
You must be Estephan the Great (gasbag) . Off your meds again, I see. And you were doing so well, too.