Yes we hosted the ultimate "fancy dress" party. Some did come as Cowboys with guns {cringe} Pirates with Swords {cringe} and a male Servant/Pioneer came as a female Balerina {Oh my God nearly got deleted!} But what's the big deal! One Sister brought her study to visit and see us as just normal young people. Then...the crack down! No fancy dress, no large gatherings that don't have 15 Elders patroling. Yes, we don't want you to go to "worldly" parties....but we don't want you to organise your own one assh#le Elder put it after his "special warning" anouncement about an upcoming Witness party....."Brothers, don't touch this party with a ten foot pole."
"Fancy Dress" and large social gatherings are banned in our Halls! Why?
by Witness 007 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I brought this up once with a (former) very good friend who was also the PO in my hall. I asked him where the bible states that dressing up in costumes and having a party is wrong. He said that, while he thought it was somewhat ridiculous, that the reason it's not allowed is because of the danger that men will dress in drag or that sisters will wear the 'hot nurse' type of costumes and that we just have to follow the guidelines in the WT.
follow the guidelines in the WT
Hi poopsiecakes, do you know where? I'll check the cd but this is more proof to me this religion is . Thanks!
Hey mythbuster - I do remember some kind of sideways mention in a WT or KM...I actually don't have any literature handy anymore - it's locked up in storage (yay) so unfortunately I can't help with that.
*** w92 8/15 p. 19 par. 17 Social Entertainment-Enjoy the Benefits, Avoid the Snares ***
17 Fine oversight of a social gathering includes its planning and preparation. This does not require devising a catchy theme to make it unique or memorable but which would imitate worldly parties, such as costume balls or masquerade parties. Can you imagine faithful Israelites in the Promised Land planning a party where all were to dress like pagans in Egypt or another land? Would they plan sensuous dancing or wild music that might be the rage among pagans? Back at Mount Sinai, they did get ensnared in music and dancing such as may have been current and popular in Egypt. We know how God and his mature servant Moses viewed that entertainment. (Exodus 32:5, 6, 17-19) Hence, the host or overseer of a social event should consider whether there will be any singing or dancing; and if so, he should be sure that it is consistent with Christian principles.-2 Corinthians 6:3.LOL
Think About It
It's always something with them. If it wasn't the costumes, it would be the music. If it wasn't the music, it would be the dancing. If it wasn't the dancing, it would be somebody was drinking alcohol or wine. If it wasn't that, then somebody showed up who somebody thought shouldn't be there. If all was good, then it's just the fact that you had a large gathering and some people actually had fun. It never ends.
Think About It
Well, they are always worried somebody is going to commit fornication or some sort of loose conduct. Isn't it strange that even with the no more large gathering policy, people still manage to get d-fed for fornication. And sometimes, I think just to take any fun out of our life. I guess we are only supposed to have small gatherings where we study the Watchtower or sing Kingdom songs. Of course, once in awhile we can invite someone over to watch one of the Society's videos.
I remember when we had a couple of costume parties. We had some clever costumes...I remember seeing Spock from Star Trek, an old West gunslinger complete with six shooter and long duster, Herman Munster, Dorothy and the TinMan.
Some kept Bible characters in mind, the problem being you couldn't tell King David from the Apostle Paul to John the Baptist...they all had long robes and sandals, though it was funny that they all had fake beards as part of the costume.
But then the CO came through and he counseled the elders for allowing these parties to happen. And then he put it in bad light during one of his service talks to the congregation.
End of fun costume parties...
I also remember that the sisters tried to have a 'dress up' party for the younger crowd. In reality, they were trying to replace the high school proms that none of the dub kids were allowed to go to, so they thought they'd have their own dress up party. It was a good idea actually. They were going to have a live band, but it was going to be all traditional standards, no 'debasing' music. The guys had to wear tuxes, the girls evening dresses. They wanted it to be a like a debutante ball.
It was a good idea, I thought, because I knew some Mormons and their local church went to great lengths to create 'wholesome' parties and entertainment for their youth. It was like they knew that they couldn't expect them to shun the world without at least trying to replace the missed fun with their own version.
Of course, JWs are too stupid to figure that out, so when the elders got wind that the sisters were planning this event, it caused a rash of elder meetings and then they counseled the sisters who were arranging the thing. As expected the sisters dropped their plans after meeting with elders.
If it's meant to be fun, you can guarantee that the Society...through the publications and then the COs and elders...will do anything to squash it. Their version of fun is 4 or 5 people sitting around singing Kingdom Melodies or talking about Brother Mumbles excellent public talk.
Hell, they don't even want the dubs to get together to study their WTs anymore. I remember when we used to get a group together, study the mag and then watch a movie or go bowling or some other fun thing. And then...they counseled about 'large' groups studying the mags together - as if 100 people in a KH isn't a large group studying a WT... Of course, that was to keep people from thinking and questioning without a WT sanctioned cult leader there to steer the sheeple back to the cult fold...
Hell, they don't even want the dubs to get together to study their WTs anymore. I remember when we used to get a group together, study the mag and then watch a movie or go bowling or some other fun thing. And then...they counseled about 'large' groups studying the mags together - as if 100 people in a KH isn't a large group studying a WT... Of course, that was to keep people from thinking and questioning without a WT sanctioned cult leader there to steer the sheeple back to the cult fold...
Ok, that's f-ed up!