I just realized we can change our avatar at gravatar.com duh! I am happy now!
Found my new look! avatar new personality
by cyberjesus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hmmm .... that's great -- but also a puzzle.
I just watched the Gravatar video and it explained where you go into your site's (JWN) profile to do the specifics. Well, I tried that only a few days ago and could see nowhere that can be done (like the old days) any longer. Can you please give us a step by step procedure on how to handle this on JWN -- assuming we've already created one on Gravatar.com.
FAT: just
1.- go to Gravatar.com
2.- enter your email address the same one you use in JWN it will send you an email to confirm.
3.- Check your email and click on the link
4.- you will be redirected to the gravatar website
5.- look for the pictures
6.- select them and just wait
there are no other setting you need to do on JWN only in gravatar.com
That's great!!! those little munchkin avatars are a little creepy.
african GB Member
I did the same thing
Wow...thanks cyberjesus. I was feeling a bit out of sorts without my pic of Jez. I have never used this tool before...nice and easy...again thank you!
agbm, you look retarded.
Does this mean I should ditch the kitten avatar? He's been dead for 3 years........
I guess I'm just not blessed by the holy Avatar. I did the whole gravatar thing with the same email address and everything ... weeks ago (checking email, it was 31st Jan), and I assure you it had neither lobster claws, nor chicken feet, nor rabbit ears, nor a stack of triangles. It's there on my profile on gravatar.com, it's rated G, yet this site doesn't pick it up. Ptui and feh!
... my user name on gravatar is different than it is here ... does that matter? (as I said, emails are the same)