I always thought this was pretty sick even though it might have been cute to see how well a little boy could read.
This religion wants to hold women down because these men are unsure of their masculinity plain and simple. If you look at the scripture about the capable wife you see all the things she was involved in. She supervised servants and property and ordered supplies, etc. She was a capable businesswoman and she was held up as a prize and compared to a jewel.
Apparently, men back in the bible time (at least the Jews) were secure in their masculinity and were not threatened because the opposite sex had a god-given brain. This is in sharp contrast to the sorry specimens in the religion and even the world today who are threatened by the slightest inkling of intelligence or capability in a female. This is really too bad and they have my condolences. Sorry, if anybody is insulted by this but I always was dumbfounded that a man could be threatened by women. Many years ago I had this conversation with a professional person in the JW religion and was told that the 'industrial revolution' was the downfall of everything, etc. and men's relationships with women. I explained that this was not my problem and I am going to be who I AM regardless!