The most frightening time in this Worlds History!

by wannabe 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Farkel

    The logic for all of this is very simple. Whenever God allows/permits/creates/sanctions a major catastrophe/war/disaster/epidemic where huge numbers of innocent people die needlessly, it is a time for joy. It means that very soon now God is going to personally slaughter billions of innocent people needlessly, so a bunch of book peddlers can occupy the nice houses left over and pet lions.

    It may sound a little strange to people "of this world", but it IS Bible-Based(tm) and so therefore it must be true. Only people "not of this world" can understand this because they live in another world all of their own making.


  • Gregor

    The Cuban Missile Crises. US playing nuclear chicken with Russia.

  • Elsewhere

    > Indeed, we have never had it so good.

    I agree.

    If you want to know what life was like 100 years ago, then move to a place like a slum in India and try to survive there. Get a job working in the fields and bring home only $2 for 10 hours of work. Then try to use that $2 to pay your rent, transportation, food, clothing and other basics.

    Do that and you'll know REAL hardship.

    Right now we've got it so damn good.

  • isaacaustin

    Wannabe, you have done an excellent job of stringing together unrelated texts and creating a story. Makes for a nice apocalyptic fairytale!

  • TD

    Have you ever read The Parousia by James Stuart Russell? (No relation to C.T. Russell)

    If you haven't you should give it a true and see what you think. Preterism is sane and rational when compared to the wild, illogical, history and context be damned allegorical approach of C.T. Russell, Rutherford and F.W. Franz

  • VIII

    Wannabe--Mom, is that you??!!

    I never thought you'd make it to one of these Apostate sites. I am impressed. Though, I have to point out, your delivery needs work. I recognize you--sounds just like all those e-mails you've sent over the last few years. Canned, very canned.

    I'll call you.

  • zarco

    The devastation brought on by the bubonic plague in the 6th century and the black death in the 14th century was so severe that the ability of the human race to continue - at least in Europe- was questioned. Living conditions in most of the world have become better during the last 200 hundred years. A study of the top 100 world altering wars also puts WWI in perspective. WWII was clearly a world altering event, but it is on a long list of catastrophes to humankind.

    In my opinion, it is dishonest maybe devious to suggest that the conditions we face today are more difficult that other times in human history.


  • snowbird

    The most frightening time in this world's history is, I believe, still ahead of us!

    Luke 21:25-26 "It will seem like all hell has broken loose—sun, moon, stars, earth, sea, in an uproar and everyone all over the world in a panic, the wind knocked out of them by the threat of doom, the powers-that-be quaking. MSG


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    You're spot on - just imagine what it would be like if one-third of the population of Europe and England were being killed today, as happened during the plague.

    And what about the barbaric methods that were used at that time, such as locking families in their houses when one member showed signs of illness and carting bodies through the streets.


  • Gregor

    The most frightening time in this world's history is, I believe, still ahead of us!

    Luke 21:25-26 "It will seem like all hell has broken loose—sun, moon, stars, earth, sea, in an uproar and everyone all over the world in a panic, the wind knocked out of them by the threat of doom, the powers-that-be quaking. MSG


    I hate to disagree, Syl, but this scripture was fulfilled when Micahel Jackson died.

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