I never watch that show but it was on and i heard them talking about interviewing an ex-jw going against the watchtower...
700 club interviews an ex-JW tomorrow
by Found Sheep 19 Replies latest jw friends
700 Club huh? That exJW went from Crazy Town to Uber Crazy Town.
Jezus needs your money! Call our 800 number and pray with us while we process your credit card authorization. Oh, and we'll also need the three digit security code off the back of your credit card.
That exJW went from Crazy Town to Uber Crazy Town.
There is just no accounting for the type of bull shit people believe, JWs and XJWs. Leaving one bull shit religion and going into another bull shit religion. He'll be preaching to the choir.
Found Sheep
i agree i found it insulting that he would go to that!!!
Think About It
700 Club huh? That exJW went from Crazy Town to Uber Crazy Town.
Man....that was funny!
Think About It
I don't know that appearing on the show means he has to agree with everything they say. He may be there to explain what's wrong with the WTBS. Who knows, maybe somebody listening will realize that what he's saying sounds like their own religion.
Found Sheep
That is a thought JeffT I was also thinking maybe he got some $ to be interviewed.... if he is going against the Watchtower he will need big Lawyers!!! Lots of people watch it so hopefully it will do some good?
Saw a promo for it...it was about a JW that came in as an adult and shortly after wanted to join the military. Looked interesting.
Found Sheep
did anyone see it?